The Vow Combat Bow - Destiny 2
Everything you need to know about The Vow bow, a Combat Bow rewarded to those who play a lot of Crucible during Crimson Days in Destiny 2.
The Vow is a special, limited-time bow added to Destiny 2 with the Crimson Days event. This unique Combat Bow comes fully Masterworked, which should be appealing for any player looking to expand their loadouts. Let’s talk about everything you need to know about The Vow, including how to get it and what kind of perks it offers.
The Vow Combat Bow

Anyone who’s played Crimson Days over the past couple of years will no doubt already be familiar with The Vow, but it’s worth revisiting.
The Vow is a Legendary Combat Bow that sits in your Energy slot. This means you won’t need to swap out your favorite Kinetic weapon, but it might mean you need to rethink your Ritual weapon choice.
It’s only available during Crimson Days, making it an exclusive item. It won’t even appear in your Collections if you’ve never unlocked it before.
How to get The Vow bow

As for actually getting The Vow, it is only available for purchase from Lord Shaxx during the Crimson Days event. This event runs for one week, so there’s plenty of time to unlock it.
In order to purchase The Vow, players will need to spend 100 Confectionary Hearts, the main currency of Crimson Days. Check out the Shacknews Crimson Days guide if you’re struggling to earn enough! Collecting 100 Confectionary Hearts shouldn’t be too much of a problem, as you get them from the end of a match whether you win or lose, and they’re earned from bounties.
When you have the coinage, return to Lord Shaxx and pick up your fully Masterworked bow and jump back into Crucible to share the love.
The Vow perks
The Vow is a fully Masterworked Combat Bow, meaning it comes with predetermined perks and the ability to generate Orbs of Light on multikills. The Vow has the following perks:
- Lightweight Frame – Recurve bow. Draw quickly and move faster while this weapon is equipped.
- Polymer String – Unbreakable bowstring. Slightly increases accuracy and slightly faster draw time.
- Natural Fletching – Feather-light with good control. Slightly decreases accuracy and greatly increases stability.
- Rapid Hit – Rapid precision hits temporarily increase stability and reload speed.
- Archer’s Tempo – Draw time decreases after every precision hit.
The Vow basically rewards players for precision play. The more precision hits you get, the better your stability, reload speed, and draw speed become. This makes it extremely potent in Crucible if you can nail the headshots and an arrow-firing machine in PVE against bulkier targets.
As for whether or not it will replace your go-to bow is another story. Something like No Turning Back has recently seen a resurgence in use and Le Monarque is as deadly as ever. If nothing else, it will be nice to have The Vow added to your collection.
Now that you’ve unlocked The Vow, a Combat Bow limited to the Crimson Days event, you can focus on earning some of the other goodies on offer. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for even more special event coverage.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, The Vow Combat Bow - Destiny 2