How to get the Le Monarque Exotic Bow in Destiny 2
RNG plays a big part in getting Le Monarque, but you need to know where it can drop and when you've burned through your chances.
Earning Exotics in Destiny 2 can be a bit all over the place. Some are earned through quests, while others are strictly RNG and are left to chance. However, there are often small details regarding where Exotic gear can drop that is essential for Guardians considering grinding for it, and such is the case with the new Black Armory Exotic Bow, Le Monarque. Below is everything currently known about how to get it.
How to get the Le Monarque Exotic Bow

While the Le Monarque is a random drop, it’s only going to drop by igniting a Black Armory Forge and completing weapon frames labeled as Powerful. This means Guardians will need to visit Ada-1, purchase a powerful frame, then jump through all her hoops and build the frame in one of the available forges. While there has been some speculation that it had to be Gofannon or Izanami, Bungie posted a tweet that said Le Monarque could drop with any of your powerful frames, which would mean Volundr is included in that. However, it’s worth noting that Bungie did say Powerful frames, which you can only craft two each week per character. If only one of your characters has the forges unlocked, the cap would be two.
Best way to grind for Le Monarque
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
— Bungie (@Bungie) December 21, 2018
The new Exotic weapon Le Monarque has a chance to be forged alongside any of your powerful frames.
The best way to grind for Le Monarque would be to craft every frame labeled as Powerful each week on all three characters. This would be six weapons total. That being said, you’re at the mercy of RNG. You could craft 40 powerful weapons and not get Le Monarque to drop, or you could be like Shacknews’ own Sam Chandler and have it drop on your first forge in two weeks. There is no formula or best way, and since this is a bow, and bows aren’t really considered exceptional at this point, I wouldn’t be wasting too much of my time trying to get Le Monarque, even though I too need to own all the things in Destiny 2.
Le Monarque Intrinsic Perk

Le Monarque has an Intrinsic perk called Poison Arrows. This is activated by fulling drawing the bow and quickly firing. If done correctly, the arrow will poison the target it hits, not unlike the Thorn Hand Cannon from the original Destiny. If the arrow scores a precision kill, the poison will spread to nearby enemies. It still doesn’t strike me as particularly powerful, but nothing wrong with an Exotic weapon that’s just fun.
Now that you know how to get Le Monarque, or at least how to put yourself in a position to potentially get it, stop by the Destiny 2 strategy guide we have going. It’s there that we’ve collected all our Destiny 2 content for Guardians to browse through.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, How to get the Le Monarque Exotic Bow in Destiny 2