Submission god roll - Destiny 2
Curate the perfect Submission god roll in Destiny 2 and enjoy one of the best PVE SMGs.
A Submission god roll in Destiny 2 is going to lift your PVE game to a new level. What makes it such an excellent weapon is that it can be crafted, meaning you get to choose the perks you want. Unfortunately, it’s not as great as some other SMG options when it comes to Crucible play.
Submission god roll

Submission is the raid Submachine Gun for the Vow of the Disciple raid. This thing sits in your Kinetic slot, meaning it won’t be great at breaking shields. What’s appealing about this SMG is that it is one of the few weapons that can be crafted. Those that are lucky enough to unlock its pattern and level it up will be able to create the perfect Submission god roll.
Submission god roll for PVE
A Submission god roll for PVE will likely always have Subsistence. As of The Witch Queen, it’s such a phenomenal perk that synergizes well with the SMG archetype. Because Submission is an SMG, its Range stat suffers, so pushing that out should be a priority.
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (Range +9)
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds (Range +9)
- Perk 1: Subsistence (Defeating targets partially reloads the magazine from reserves)
- Perk 2: Demolitionist (Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves)
- Masterwork: Range
- Mod: Major Spec
The usual suspects make up the Barrel and Magazine, increasing the gun’s Range. Those that want snappier ADS speeds will want to focus on Handling.
For the first perk column, Subsistence is going to be the best choice. Sleight of Hand is alright for the Handling, Stability and Reload Speed boost, but I just cannot pass up the opportunity to avoid reloading.
When you get to the second perk column, that’s where personal preference comes in. Demolitionist is a mighty fine perk, especially when used with Voidwalker Warlocks. You’ll always have your grenade and the gun will hardly ever need to be reloaded.
If you’re not a fan of Demolitionist, you might also consider Frenzy for the damage increase, Killing Frenzy for the overall stat boosts, Thresh for Super generation, or Swashbuckler for even more damage.
Aim for a Range Masterwork and put in whatever mod you want. I like Major Spec to help get rid of those yellow bars.
Submission god roll for PVP
Unlike a Funnelweb god roll, Submission doesn’t really have a whole lot of perks that make it great for use in PVP. However,
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (Range +9)
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds (Range +9)
- Perk 1: Steady Hands (Kills provide improved handling for all weapons for a short duration)
- Perk 2: Killing Wind (Final blows grant increased mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration)
- Masterwork: Range
- Mod: Icarus Grip
I am all about boosting the Range on close-combat weapons. If you prefer to focus on Handling, consider Corkscrew Rifling for a nice split between Handling, Stability, and Range. The Magazine option should likely remain as Accurized Rounds unless you really want to up the Stability, Reload Speed, or magazine size.
Now for the perks, which is where Submission gets a bit odd in PVP. Steady Hands increases the weapon’s Handling while Killing Wind increases Range, Mobility, Handling, and ADS movement. The only drawback is that these only activate after getting a kill. You might swap out Steady Hands for Perpetual Motion (bonus Stability, Handling and Reload Speed while in motion) if only to have some boosts without the need for kills.
Another alternative might be Harmony, for the damage and Handling increase after getting a kill with another weapon. Great for Sniper Rifle or Shotgun users. If this is the case, use the Quick Access Sling mod. For everyone else, Icarus Grip is neat for the in-air accuracy or Sprint Grip for the ready speed.
Unlike other weapons, getting a Submission god roll is going to be easy. With the new weapon crafting system, you’ll be able to unlock and utilize any mod you want. The drawback is that this SMG doesn’t really have overwhelmingly awesome perks for PVP, though it does for PVE. Stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 Guide for more weapon recommendations.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Submission god roll - Destiny 2