Funnelweb god roll - Destiny 2
Find a Funnelweb god roll in Destiny 2 and discover what it feels like to have a powerful SMG again.
A Funnelweb god roll is going to be an incredible weapon in Destiny 2. Not only does the gun have great base values, but with the right perks, it feels like a top tier weapon. If you do get a god roll, you’ll no doubt be using it for a few seasons, so the pursuit is worth the effort.

Funnelweb is causing a lot of commotion during Season of the Risen, thanks in part to the new Void 3.0 updates and the SMG Artifact mods. This Submachine Gun deals Void damage, making it extremely potent for Void builds, and it also features some excellent perks. Because Funnelweb sits in the Energy slot, you may want to consider using a Special weapon in your Kinetic slot. A good option would be a Silicon Neuroma god roll, one of the Nightfall weapon drops.
PVP Funnelweb god roll

Funnelweb has a lot of great perks for PVP. Depending on your playstyle, there will be a perk combo that will push your build to its full potential. You can either go all-in on boosting the Range, focus on the gun’s Stability, or even a nice mixture of the two.
Funnelweb god roll - PVP | |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling (Range +9) |
Magazine | Accurized Rounds (Range +9) |
Perk 1 | Killing Wind (Final blows grant increased mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration) |
Perk 2 | Rangefinder (Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification) |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Sprint Grip |
The above perks will focus entirely on boosting the Range stat, allowing you to compete at greater distances. However, some minor tweaks can be made to spread the love to Stability and Handling.
If you want more Stability, look for Polygonal Rifling, Steady Rounds, and Elemental Capacitor. With a Stability Masterwork, this thing will be laser-focused, which is good for stick users – though the Range will suffer. Throw on Targeting Adjuster for better target acquisition or Quick Access Sling for the hot-swapping or Freehand Grip if you start fights by shooting from the hip.
You might also consider Perpetual Motion for the bonus Stability, Handling, and Reload Speed while you’re moving. Pair this with Frenzy and you’ll get an additional boost to damage, Handling, and Reload Speed. Icarus Grip is also a worthy option if you’re a jumpy sort of player.
Funnelweb is such a phenomenal SMG, not only because it’s got some nice base values, but it’s got a great line-up of perks that make it competitive in Crucible, no matter what you want. Just really lean into your playstyle and you’ll find something that feels good.
PVE Funnelweb god roll
Not only is Funnelweb a force to be reckoned with in Crucible, it’s a top-notch SMG for PVE content, especially when a Season has SMG mods. While Subsistence is the best perk in the first column for PVE, the last column has a couple of good choices.
Funnelweb god roll - PVE | |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling (Range +9) |
Magazine | Accurized Rounds (Range +9) |
Perk 1 | Subsistence (Defeating targets partially reloads the magazine from reserves) |
Perk 2 | Adrenaline Junkie (This weapon gains increased damage and handling from final blows with grenades or this weapon) |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Major Spec |
Subsistence coupled with the Veist Stinger Origin Trait will ensure you rarely need to reload. With the Barrel and Magazine perks you’ll also ensure you can hit things from a distance. As for the second perk, Adrenaline Junkie is lovely in PVE as it’s so easy to get a grenade kill to instantly max out the stacks. Throw on a Major Spec and you’ll be shredding through yellows.
If Adrenaline Junkie isn’t your jam, opt for Frenzy for the damage, handling, and reload boosts or Thresh for the Super generation. The choice is yours and either one is worth considering.
Finding a Funnelweb god roll is going to be incredibly easy. There are so much top notch perks that work well together that just about anything you find will feel good. Just keep an eye out for Subsistence, as that one is quite the game-changer as of Season 16. Check out our Destiny 2 Guide for more weapon god roll recommendations.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Funnelweb god roll - Destiny 2