Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals campaign walkthrough
A complete step-by-step walkthrough of the Season of Arrivals campaign quest, In the Face of Darkness, in Destiny 2
Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals has brought with it a campaign for players to experience. Though it is only short, it introduces a lot of new mechanics which, at first glance, could be a bit complex. We’ve put together a complete Season of Arrivals campaign walkthrough, to help you with any step that might give you a moment’s pause. It all kicks off with the quest name, In the Face of Darkness.
Season of Arrivals campaign walkthrough - In the Face of Darkness

The Season of Arrivals campaign is about one hour long, two max, depending on the speed at which you move through the content. It requires you to complete one of the new Contact Public Events, introduces the Umbral Engrams, and has players use Drifter’s Prismatic Recaster and Umbral Decoder to decrypt these darkness-infused engrams. The main quest for the Season of Arrivals is called In the Face of Darkness, here is a general overview of the steps:
- Head to Io and help Eris
- Take the Seed of Silver Wings to Drifter
- Participate in the new Contact Public Event
- Open up an Umbral Engram
- Charge the Prismatic Recaster and use it to focus Umbral Engrams
- Complete the Means to an End quest
- Complete Interference mission
In the Face of Darkness quest
The first step kicks off as soon as players load up Destiny 2. This has players fight through Io in search of Eris. Grab the Seed of Silver Wings from below the tree then head back to the Tower to speak with Drifter
Step 2: Speak with the Drifter
Head to the Annex and talk to Drifter about the Seed of Silver Wings, which is actually the seasonal artifact.
Step 3: Full Contact

Go to Io and complete a Contact public event. Check out our guide on how to trigger the Contact Heroic Public Event so you get more rewards.
Step 4: Umbral Engram

After getting the Umbral Engram from the public event, head back and speak with Drifter.
Step 5: Umbral Decryption

Use the Umbral Decoder and decrypt an Umbral Engram. The Umbral Decoder is basically a mechanical Cryptarch, capable of decrypting engrams that are infused with darkness. You will be using this quite a bit over the course of the Season of Arrivals.
Step 6: Return to the Drifter
After decrypting the Umbral Engram, go and speak with the Drifter
Step 7: Taken Their Energy
The next step for the Season of Arrivals campaign quest, In the Face of Darkness, is called Taken Their Energy. For this one, you will need to complete one strike from the playlist, a Crucible match, or a Gambit match. Dealer's choice.
Step 8: Return to the Drifter
After completing one of the three activity options, return to Drifter. He will offer you a secret stockpile, take it! This contains Twisted Energy which is used in ranking up the Prismatic Recaster – which is basically a device you can use to choose what type of gear you want in an Umbral Engram.
Step 9: Refining the Recaster

Use the Twisted Energy in the Prismatic Recaster to rank it up.
Step 10: Prismatic Gift

Activate the available Gift in the Gifts of Light & Dark subscreen of the Prismatic Recaster. This is found under the “Umbral Affinity” section of the main screen. The first gift is Umbral Enhancement I, this unlocks the basic Umbral Focusing capabilities of the Prismatic Recaster. Unlocking this will let you see all available upgrades.
Step 11: Focused Intent

Find an Umbral Engram and focus it by accessing the Umbral Focusing subscreen on the Prismatic Recaster in the Annex of the Tower. Umbral Engrams may be discovered from completing Contact public events as well as AFK farming forges.
The Umbral Focusing subscreen is found on the main screen of the Prismatic Recaster under “Umbral Affinity”. Choose one of the four Basic Umbral Focusing options from the top line, you get three free focuses each week, after that, each focus will cost a set amount of Altered Element.
Step 12: The Stuff of Darkness

With your Focused Umbral Engram in hand, step over to the Umbral Decoder, the small pedestal beside the Prismatic Recaster. Use the decoder to decrypt your focused Umbral Engram.
Step 13: Return to the Drifter
Step over to the Drifter and speak to him again.
Step 14: Charging the Seed

This is the final step of the campaign quest, In the Face of Darkness. You will need to collect the quest, Means to an End, from the Prismatic Recaster.
Means to an End

This is technically the second part of the Season of Arrival campaign. You will need to complete the quest, Means to an End, which starts with the step, Barrier to Entry. This requires you to complete Contact public events on Io or Titan. Completing this rewards 200 Altered Element.
Step 2: Force

Collect Umbral Traces by participating in Nightfall: The Ordeal, Nightmare Hunts, and Crucible Control. It’s up to you which of these three you choose to do. Nightmare Hunts are pretty easy at this point, so they’re often a good choice.
Step 3: Perseverance

The next step is to complete the mission, Interference. This is a mission on Io, in the Cradle. Open the Director, navigate to Io, and select the Interference mission now that it is available.
Step 4: Seek the Seeker
Fight through the Cradle and then speak to Eris Morn again. This will bring the Season of Arrivals campaign to a close. There’s always the chance more story missions will unlock later in the season, especially as we approach the next major expansion, Beyond Light.
The Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals campaign is fairly short. The majority of the steps involve jumping between Drifter, the Prismatic Recaster, and the Umbral Decoder. However, once the quest, In the Face of Darkness, is complete, you will be free to pursue those perfect weapon rolls and upgrade Drifter's new machine. Take a moment to look over the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for even more guides from this season and last.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals campaign walkthrough