How to get Twisted Energy - Destiny 2
Fill your pockets with Twisted Energy in Destiny 2 so you can tinker with the Prismatic Recaster.
Twisted Energy is a brand new currency in Destiny 2. This new currency was introduced with Season of Arrivals and is used in Drifter’s knock-off Engram decrypting machine, the Prismatic Recaster. Players will want to farm up a good supply of Twisted Energy, as it’s going to be critical when it comes to acquiring the exact gear you want and need.
Last updated on July 8, 2020 at 11:44 p.m. PT.
How to farm Twisted Energy
It wouldn’t be a new season if players didn’t have a new currency to think about. Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals adds Twisted Energy. This strange new currency is used to rank up the Prismatic Recaster, as you would any other vendor in the game. Getting more Twisted Energy is straightforward, though farming up a good supply is going to take some effort, at least early on in the season.

There are only a couple of ways to get more Twisted Energy. Players that purchase the Season Pass will find that they get a steady trickle of this as they level it up, and every player can earn more by completing bounties. So, the two methods are as such:
- From Season Pass ranks
- Completing Weekly bounties from the Prismatic Recaster
- Decrypting Umbral Engrams
So far, these appear to be the only two ways of getting the precious Twisted Energy. Doing the Weekly bounty from the Prismatic Recaster each week is going to be crucial, as it’s the only sure-fire way to get more without having to grind dozens of levels in the Season Pass. For those that want to farm Twisted Energy, make sure you complete the Weekly bounty on all three characters.
The other way to gain Twisted Energy is by decrypting Umbral Engrams at the Umbral Decoder. With the Umbral Mastery I gift unlocked, every Umbral Engram you decode will award 50 points of Twisted Energy. This is not a lot, but at the rate that you can get Umbral Engrams, it can sometimes help push you up a rank.
With a good supply of Twisted Energy, players should be able to take full advantage of Drifter’s Prismatic Recaster. Keep in mind, the full power of this device will become available once players have progressed far enough through the Season of Arrivals campaign.
Now that you’ve got a grasp on the best way to get Twisted Energy in Destiny 2, take a moment to gaze over the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide. It’s here that we’ve stored our vast collection of content, including numerous Exotic weapon guides and more.
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