When does Season of Opulence start in Destiny 2?
Season of Opulence is set to start soon and it brings with it a brand new raid for Destiny 2.
The Season of Opulence starts soon in Destiny 2 and players are already preparing for its release. As the third piece of content in the Annual Pass, Season of Opulence will be featuring an increase to Power, Exotic Quests, as well as a new raid.
When does Season of Opulence start?
Season of Opulence starts on June 4th 2019 for all Destiny 2 players. Whether you own the Annual Pass or not, you will be able to participate in the power increase, the Solstice of Heroes, Iron Banner, and many other activities.

For those who own the Annual Pass, Season of Opulence brings with it new weapons and gear, a new 6-player matchmade activity, a raid, along with a couple of mysteries. Given that there hasn’t been a new raid since Scourge of the Past in January, it will be good to have another end-game activity added to the mix.
With Season of Opulence releasing next month, there’s not much time to get raid-ready. In a weird turn of events, the new raid, Crown of Sorrow, will be available the day Season of Opulence begins. If your team is ready, they can dive in immediately and attempt to be the first to clear the new raid. The recommended Power for the first encounter is 715, so make sure you’ve got your loadouts in order.
While the meta has shifted quite a lot in recently, it will be worth spending some time unlocking Outbreak Perfected. This Exotic Pulse Rifle is able to dish out a lot of damage and it may come in handy with the new raid.
Now that we finally have a start date for Season of Opulence, we can begin working toward getting our team’s raid-ready. Considering this content update releases just prior to E3, and given Bungie's recent split from Activision, I'm hoping to hear Bungie's plans for the future of Destiny 2 at this year's E3. But who's stage will they be on?
Keep it locked to Shacknews as we’ll be covering Season of Opulence thoroughly, including a full write-up of the Crown of Sorrow raid. Head over to the Destiny 2 guide for all the latest walkthroughs, weapon breakdowns, and more.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, When does Season of Opulence start in Destiny 2?