What are Vex Chassis Components in Destiny 2?
Guardians are collecting Vex Chassis Components in Destiny 2, and we're here to tell you what they're used for.
Guardians in Destiny 2 have been picking up Vex Chassis Components, and many are wondering what they are for. In this guide, we’ll explain what Vex Chassis Components are and what Guardians are supposed to do with them.
What are Vex Chassis Components?

Vex Chassis Components are a currency that some Vex drop when killed. The very basic story behind this is that Ikora is trying to build a Vex gate and we’re collecting things to help her do it. The confusing part is that when Guardians first start seeing them drop, there’s no indication what they’re for. Before Guardians can accumulate these, they must first start the Vex Offensive and complete one run through the mode. Once this is done, return to Ikora to receive the Know Thy Enemy Vendor Challenge.
Guardians will note that the challenge asks for Vex Parts to be collected. This is where the Vex Chassis Components come into play. For each Vex Chassis Component picked up, one percent progress is given. The good news is, once Guardians have all 100 Vex Chassis Components, they’ll be treated to Powerful Gear (Tier 3) to help them reach the max Power level in Destiny 2.

The easiest way to collect Vex Chassis Components is to compete in the Vex Offensive activities on the Moon, including killing Gatelords at Vex Invasion Zones. Once this has been done a single time, players can also look at the map on the Moon and launch into the Vex Offensive game mode. This should provide a healthy dose of Vex Chassis Components to count towards the progress required for Ikora’s challenge.
Now that players understand what Vex Chassis Components are for, consider taking a look at our Destiny 2 strategy guide. We’ve been covering Destiny 2 for two years now, and all our work is collected their for your convenience. Whether you’re new to the game with New Light, or a veteran Guardian, there’s help there for all your adventures.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, What are Vex Chassis Components in Destiny 2?