Wanted: Irxis Partisan - Destiny 2
Track the Fallen Captain, Irxis Partisan, to the Gulch in the EDZ to complete Spider's Wanted bounty and claim an Enhancement Core.
Spider’s Wanted bounties have never been more valuable. Sure, there’s the big on that gives Guardians a powerful drop each week, but the real prize from some of these bounties is the Enhancement Core that can come with completion. This week, Spider asks Guardians to complete the Wanted: Irxis Partisan bounty in the Gulch in the EDZ, but it’s not as simple as finding a lost sector and clearing it out.
Wanted: Irxis Partisan

With the bounty in your inventory, set a course for the Gulch in the EDZ. This is a relatively small zone and it’s easy to see most of it from a few locations. Consider getting up high and bringing the Whisper of the Worm. Not only will it provide great magnification for spotting the target, but it also allows Guardians to damage Irxis Partisan from a great distance, ensuring this high value target isn’t defeated before you can deal damage.

Pay attention to the bottom left corner of your screen. It’s here that a high-value target message will pop up the moment Irxis Partisan is on the field. He could pop up just about anywhere in the zone, which is why perching up high is advised. For me, he spawned near the giant Cabal tunnel and started doing battle with a Saboteur. I shot him once with my Whisper of the Worm to tag him and hopped down to get up close and personal.

Killing the Fallen Captain named Irxis Partisan is easy for most Guardians at the point of picking up Wanted bounties, but the obvious options to melt this foe are super abilities, heavy weapons, and the Shotgun when you’re within a few feet. If you get damage in before this foe dies, the bounty will complete and can be turned in straight from your inventory. This one rewards legendary gear (yawn) and an Enhancement Core (yay), so it’s worth doing for anyone engaged in the end-game activities of Destiny 2.
With the Wanted: Irxis Partisan bounty complete, visit our Destiny 2 strategy guide for help with anything an end-game Guardian could want.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Wanted: Irxis Partisan - Destiny 2