Wanted: Consul Partisan - Destiny 2
Track down the Consul Partisan, one of Spider's wanted targets, hiding somewhere in Destiny 2.
Spider’s thirst for vengeance is unending, and the latest target for one of his wanted bounties is the Consul Partisan. Tracking down this Cabal target in Destiny 2 is going to take a little bit of patience, as it’s tied directly to a public event.
Wanted: Consul Partisan – The Tangled Shore, Sorik’s Cut
Finding the wanted Consul Partisan is going to require heading to Sorik’s Cut in the Tangled Shore. It’s here that you can find the Cryo-Pod Public Event. The reason this is significant is that the Consul Partisan is the main boss in said public event. You won’t be spelunking through any Lost Sectors to find this baddie.

In terms of actually defeating the Consul Partisan, both forms of the public event work: freezing it or straight up killing it. This means if you want to go for the Heroic Public Event rewards, you can do that and still wind up with the bounty completion. This is great if you’re trying to get some extra resources. Alternatively, burn it down really quickly and move on.

As for what you’ll earn by defeating the Consul Partisan, it’s the same as all of Spider’s other basic wanted targets: some XP and a bit of Glimmer. The XP is no doubt going to be useful for those chasing the higher Power levels through the seasonal artifact upgrades.
With the Consul Partisan defeated, consider taking a moment to get some more Ghost Fragments so you can purchase more of Spider’s Wanted bounties. These can only stack so high in your inventory, so make sure you’re spending and saving at a good rate.
The Wanted Consul Partisan in Destiny 2 is a little different to Spider’s other targets as it’s not stuck in the back of a Lost Sector. For more helpful location tips, check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Wanted: Consul Partisan - Destiny 2