Wait for It... Vault of Glass raid challenge - Destiny 2
Clear the Wait for It... challenge in the Vault of Glass raid in Destiny 2 for double Conflux rewards and a Triumph.
The Wait For It… challenge in Destiny 2 asks players to practice patience during the Conflux encounter in the Vault of Glass raid, hence why it's often called the Conflux challenge. As the first challenge out the gate, it’s rather straightforward and simple enough to complete, even for newcomers. Completing the challenge when it’s active will grant double rewards though it can be completed whenever for the Triumph.
Wait for It... challenge/Conflux challenge – Vault of Glass
To complete The Wait for It… challenge, the Wyverns must only be defeated when they’re sacrificing. This means you cannot nuke them as they spawn. You must wait for them to walk toward their specific Conflux, kneel down, start sacrificing, and then you can defeat them.

Take a moment to ensure all players in your fireteam know how to beat the Conflux encounter in the Vault of Glass raid. It’s a simple wave defence encounter, but it can be difficult with the Champions and the Wyverns.
It’s important to note the Wyverns must go to the Conflux they are assigned to. If a Wyvern from the middle goes to the left and starts to sacrifice, it will still count as failing the challenge if you defeat it, even though it’s technically sacrificing.

To this end, the best way to complete this challenge is to use one-and-done Supers like Nova Bomb, Thundercrash, and Blade Barrage. You can, of course, deal damage to the Wyverns using your weapons and then finish them off as they sacrifice.
Sometimes, the Confluxes will despawn while the Wyverns are still alive. This will cause the Wyverns to also despawn. This does not affect the challenge and may actually be an asset. Just be careful not to draw the Wyvern to a different Conflux.

Completing the Wait for It… challenge in Destiny 2 will reward double Vault of Glass gear, provided the challenge is active that week. Thankfully, the Conflux challenge can be completed at any time to unlock the Triumph. Check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 Guide for more raid challenge tips.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Wait for It... Vault of Glass raid challenge - Destiny 2