Sunshot Exotic Hand Cannon - Destiny 2
Wield the mighty Sunshot Exotic Hand Cannon in Destiny 2 and lay waste to your enemies.
Sunshot might be a classic Exotic Hand Cannon in Destiny 2 at this point, but it still has a place in modern builds. The whole appeal of Sunshot is in its Solar explosions, which decimate groups of combatants and are quite powerful in Crucible.
How to get Sunshot
Back when Destiny 2 first released, Sunshot was available from the Red Legion campaign mission called Sacrilege. It was one of three reward options, the others being Graviton Lance and Riskrunner. Given the changes to Destiny 2, this is no longer a reliable source, meaning Sunshot is only available from sources where Exotics are dropped.
What this means is that if you want to unlock Sunshot, you will need to buy it from Xur, purchase a Fated Engram from him, or farm it from raids or Nightfall: The Ordeal.
Sunshot perks

As with any weapon in Destiny 2, it is made by the perks it offers. For Sunshot, it comes with the following perks for its barrel, magazine, and grip:
- Chambered Compensator
- Accurized Rounds
- Textured Grip
But the main appeal of Sunshot is its two Exotic traits:
- Sun Blast – Targets killed by Sunshot explode in Solar energy.
- Sunburn – This weapon fires explosive rounds and highlights targets that take damage from Sunshot.
These perks don’t really interact with one another but simply do their own thing. One perk ensures that any enemy that dies from Sunshot explodes while the other marks any target that takes damage for easier tracking.
Sunshot has an Exotic Catalyst that increases its Range and Stability perk. This makes it even more deadly in Crucible.
How and when to use Sunshot

Sunshot really shows its potential in PVE content. When attacking low-tier mobs, killing a single unit can result in dozens of kills as nearby enemies perish from the explosion. But it doesn’t end there, as any enemy that dies from the explosion also explodes, resulting in this cascading explosion that continues so long as enemies keep dying. It’s one of the best add-clear Exotics on offer (though, nothing really competes with Riskrunner).
Players on PC may find that Sunshot is an excellent option in Crucible. With the extra stability and range afforded by the Exotic Catalyst, it can compete at a startlingly long range. What’s more, the Sun Blast perk will significantly weaken any nearby enemies, allowing you to mop up any stragglers, or keep them out of the fight. Plus, a weakened enemy is more likely to die from the Sun Blast perk, which creates another one. In rare circumstances, you may wipe out a large portion of the enemy team with only a few rounds.
Sunshot lore

"Can't outrun the sunrise." —Liu Feng
She bowed her head, heat shimmering from her fist. A silent salute to the Hive closing around her, their eyes forming a glowing jade ring.
She was a Sunbreaker. A mercenary from days before the City. Not like the new Lights from the Tower. She was weary. But there was no rest out here, where the City Lights didn't reach. She and her allies were committed to their arduous, solitary task. But they could always use more numbers.
Sometimes, they left trinkets for the City. Meant as challenge and bribe at once—we offer you this. Come find us.
She had forged the Warlock gauntlets herself. Ouros laughed in her face when she told her their name. She wasn't very good at names.
A gun. She would forge a gun, next. It would speak like her Hammer. And burn like fire. The ring of jade eyes closed on her. Liu Feng laughed, her arms open for a fiery embrace.
Sunshot is an underrated Exotic Hand Cannon that certainly deserves another look. It might use up an Exotic weapon slot, but changing things up from time to time can keep it fresh. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for even more Exotic weapon overviews.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Sunshot Exotic Hand Cannon - Destiny 2