Season 8 Iron Banner quest steps - Destiny 2
Check out the quest steps for the Season 8 Iron Banner pursuit, Scour the Rust, in Destiny 2.
Each new season of Destiny 2 brings a new version of Iron Banner, and the Season 8 Iron Banner pursuit might be the most Guardian-friendly quest we’ve seen to date. Below you’ll find a list of each quest step and any relevant notes on how to complete them.
Scour the Rust

When you hit the Tower for the first time during an Iron Banner event, visit Lord Saladin and pick up the quest for the Iron Banner. Season 8, which is the season we’re in right now, has a quest called Scour the Rust. This is a multi-step quest that will require about 20 matches for players to complete, give or take based on skill level.
Note: There are four Pinnacle bounties available for players to complete in the Iron Banner, and these are going to reward gear at +5 your current Power base, unless your current Power is above a 950 base (then it's +1). However, players cannot get all the Iron Banner Season 8 armor until Scour the Rust is completed. If you're hoping for bumps to your armor's Power level, don’t turn in any of your bounties until the quest is done and all armor has been collected.
Scour the Rust: Spectacle

This quest step is very easy and asks players to complete objectives that are generally centered around being a team player and winning.
- Opponents defeated: 0/30
- Zones captured: 0/10
- Super final blows: 0/3
Scour the Rust: Intent

This quest step gets a bit more specific, asking players to get 25 final blows on Guardians using a Pulse Rifle. For those unsure, a final blow means you must land the killing shot on the Guardian, not just cause damage leading to their defeat by one your teammates.
- Matches completed: 0/6
- Zones captured: 0/20
- Pulse Rifle final blows: 0/25
Scour the Rust: Timing

Players will want to grab their favorite Fusion Rifle for this, and I would suggest Jotun if you don’t have a favorite. It can kill in one shot at almost any range, and it tracks targets a bit, making it an easy way to snag one or two Fusion Rifle final blows per life.
- Opponents defeated: 0/100
- Zones captured: 0/30
- Fusion Rifle final blows: 0/20
Scour the Rust: Execution

Hopefully you’ve been using your Super and capturing zones, because this step requires both, as well as for Guardians to use Submachine Guns to get final blows.
- Super final blows: 0/15
- Zones captured: 0/40
- Submachine Gun final blows: 0/15
Scour the Rust: Conviction

This quest step, as of publishing time, is bugged. It tells players they need 10 Grenade Launcher final blows, but it’s actually Submachine Gun final blows. Don’t complain, just get out there and snag the kills before Bungie fixes it. If you're reading this and it has been fixed, Fighting Lion is a decent option for Guardian final blows using a Grenade Launcher. There's also The Mountaintop to consider, but if you own that you don't need my help with this step. Carry on.
- Matches completed: 0/15
- Zones captured: 0/50
- Submachine Gun final blows: 0/10
Scour the Rust: Forgeborne

- Return to Lord Saladin
It’s interesting to note that progress is made on quest steps even before you arrive at a step. This means that if you capture 50 zones in your first few matches you won’t have to bother with that step as you get to the final steps. You will also pick up Iron Will armor pieces as you go, with the final two pieces coming when you return to Lord Saladin. Bungie is also being cool by giving you the weapon you need for the next step every time you complete one. For example, you’ll get a Grenade Launcher when you hit the Conviction step.
The Season 8 Iron Banner Scour the Rust quest in Destiny 2 is one of the more forgiving quests that we’ve seen from the Iron Banner in recent memory. It’s still going to be about 20 matches and four hours, but it should be something players can easily knock out over the course of the week. While you’re at it, be sure to visit our Destiny 2 guide for help with everything a Guardian can dig into.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Season 8 Iron Banner quest steps - Destiny 2