Powerful Scorn Trace - Destiny 2
We'll hook you up with the best place to farm Powerful Scorn in Destiny 2.
As we dig further into the Season of the Worthy, we’re starting to get our hands on new bounties with a whole new set of tasks. It’s especially essential to complete the Rasputin daily bounties, such as Powerful Scorn Trace which requires Guardians to track down Powerful Scorn.
Powerful Scorn

One of the best places to find Powerful Scorn is in the Presage mission. This Exotic mission was added to Destiny 2 with Season of the Chosen. The derelict Cabal ship is full of Scorn for players to defeat. The Presage mission can be launched from the Tangled Shore map.
Another place to find Powerful Scorn is The Hallowed Lair strike found on the Tangled Shore. This does not have to be randomly found through the strike rotations. Simply open your Director, navigate to the Tangled Shore, then select The Hallowed Lair from your map. You will matchmake and likely end up with two other Guardians, but you’ll be facing off against Powerful Scorn in no time. In fact, I was able to finish this bounty in five minutes, collecting all the Powerful Scorn I required at about the halfway point of the strike.
There are other ways to find Powerful Scorn, though, such as the Ether Harvest public event. That should get the job done quickly, and there’s always a single Powerful Scorn in the Kingship Dock lost sector in the Tangled Shore. If you only need one more to finish the bounty, that’s a good option.

Now that you’ve got an idea of where to go to find Powerful Scorn, be sure to visit the rest of our Destiny 2 strategy guide content. We’ve been building it out since the game’s release, and frequently go back to update older guides with new information. No matter what experience level of Guardian you are, there’s something there to help you on your journey.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Powerful Scorn Trace - Destiny 2