Legendary Spelunker - Destiny 2
Find out what you must do to complete the Rasputin weekly bounty Legendary Spelunker in Destiny 2.
Well, Guardians, you’ve made your way to one of Rasputin’s bunkers hidden around the Destiny 2 universe and found yourself faced with a Rasputin weekly bounty called Legendary Spelunker. It seems daunting, but this guide will help you complete that bounty, or at least give you an idea of what it is you must do. We can’t really help you aim and shoot, but we can tell you where to go to try.
Legendary Spelunker

The Legendary Spelunker is a Rasputin weekly bounty, meaning you get seven days to complete it. You can pick it up from one of Rasputin’s bunkers and, depending on the location, it will be labeled with the location you need to complete it at. For example, the first week had the Legendary Spelunker: EDZ bounty as a weekly, so it must be completed on the EDZ.
Now, in order to complete the Legendary Spelunker bounty, players must have access to the Legendary lost sectors that can be accessed from Rasputin’s bunkers. They must also open caches found in these adventures (Legendary lost sectors are just adventures, honestly), which requires them to have some Encrypted Warmind Bits on hand.
However, the big task in the Legendary Spelunker bounty is defeating champions. This means unlocking mods through the Season 10 artifact, Warmind Khanjali, then equipping those mods on your weapons. Depending on the day, you might have to take down Overload champions, Unstoppable champions, or Barrier champions. If you’re doing the Legendary Spelunker: EDZ bounty, it matters not what type of champion you defeat (defeat means deal damage, not get the final blow), only that you defeat 12 of them in Legendary lost sectors.
Now that you know the deal with the Legendary Spelunker bounty, head to the Destiny 2 strategy guide we’ve been building out since the game’s release. You’ll find lots of information there to help you through the toughest content ever released in Destiny 2.
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