How to play Trials of Osiris - Destiny 2
Learn how to play Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2, then try to take your team on a flawless run.
Trials of Osiris has returned, Guardian, and in this guide, we’ll explain what you need to do to jump into this competitive PvP game mode and take your shot at glory. For a lot of players, they may already have it unlocked, while for others unlocking Trials of Osiris requires completing a specific quest called Trials Access.
How to unlock Trials of Osiris - Trials Access

For a lot of new players, accessing Trials of Osiris isn't straightforward. Long-time players can simply visit Saint-14 and pick up their passage, but there are some who must complete the quest: Trials Access. This quest has players completing a few rudimentary steps to prove their worth:
- Reach Power 1010
- Reach Valor rank "Legend"
- Defeat 50 opponents in Elimination
For the first part, reaching Power 1010 should be simple. That will involve playing the game and earning gear. Expect this number to increase as new content is released and the max Power level is raised.
The next step, reaching Valor rank Legend, will require quite a bit more effort. Valor rank Legend is the final rank available in standard Crucible. This is not the competitive rank (which is called Glory), and thankfully, it's easier to reach. Playing on a double-Valor weekend will certainly help speed things along. In the event that's not an option, just keep visiting Lord Shaxx in the Tower for more Crucible bounties.
Finally, you will also need to defeat 50 opponents in Elimination. This should be your main playlist when attempting to hit Valor rank Legend. Nothing much you can do here but play your best and work with your team to secure kills.
Thanks to Twitter user Roel Dirkx for pointing this one out to us.
How to play Trials of Osiris

Once you've finished Trials Access, or in the event you don't need to do it, the next step is actually playing Trials of Osiris. You can't just boot if up from Orbit, you'll first need to visit the Tower and speak with Saint-14.
Saint is the new Trials of Osiris vendor in Destiny 2. Visiting him each weekend will let you purchase a Passage of Mercy and Passage of Ferocity. Players must purchase one of these Trials Passage options in order to play the Trials of Osiris game mode.
Once players have their Trials Passage from Saint-14, it is required that they find a fireteam of three. Trials of Osiris does not feature any matchmaking. You must have your fireteam set prior to entering. Assuming you do, head to the Director, choose the Crucible, then Trials of Osiris. Launching the game mode is that simple.

The only other requirement players must meet is they must be Power level 960 or higher to compete. Level advantages are enabled in Trials of Osiris, which means that someone at Power level 980 has a bit of an advantage over a Guardian at 960.
Assuming you and your fireteam meet the criteria, all that’s left to do is win seven games with no losses to access the location only visited by fireteams that go flawless in Trials of Osiris. Going flawless also gets you some additional rewards, making a flawless Trials of Osiris run one of the more prestigious things you can accomplish in Destiny 2.
Now that you know how to play Trials of Osiris, head back to our Destiny 2 strategy guide for more help with the ins and outs of being a good Guardian.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, How to play Trials of Osiris - Destiny 2