How to open Rennala's chest in Raya Lucaria Grand Library - Elden Ring
Discover how to unlock the chest near Rennala in the Grand Library in Elden Ring and what reward it contains.
There are a lot of chests you can open in Elden Ring, but one that remains a mystery for many players is the chest beside Rennala. After defeating the boss of the Raya Lucaria Academy, players will discover a chest in the Grand Library that is locked. Here’s where to find the key for the chest and what reward sits inside.
Rennala’s chest – Grand Library

In order to open the chest beside Rennala in the Grand Library, you must progress through Ranni’s questline. This quest will take you all over the Lands Between as you aid the witch, but most importantly, it will earn you the Discarded Palace Key which is used to unlock the chest.
The Discarded Palace Key is given to you by Ranni after defeating an enemy called the Baleful Shadow in Ainsel River. This is one of the last steps in the quest, so you may have quite a bit of work ahead of you.

As for what Rennala’s chest contains, it’s actually the Dark Moon Ring, which is a key item. You cannot equip or use this item like you can the Pureblood Knight’s Medal you get during Varre’s questline. Instead, the Dark Moon Ring is specifically for Ranni’s quest and will actually help you unlock the Dark Moon Greatsword, Elden Ring’s version of the infamous Moonlight Greatsword from previous Soulsborne games.
Now that you know how to open Rennala’s chest in the Grand Library and what it contains, it’s up to you whether or not you want to pursue this lead. It’s a good idea to actually follow this questline to its conclusion as you’ll not only acquire the aforementioned Dark Moon Greatsword, you will also unlock the ability to get the Age of the Stars ending. Take a moment to look over the Shacknews Elden Ring strategy guide for more solutions to the many mysteries of the game.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to open Rennala's chest in Raya Lucaria Grand Library - Elden Ring