How to get Truthteller - Destiny 2
Learn how to get Truthteller in Destiny 2, a Grenade Launcher for the Energy slot revamped for Season of Arrivals.
If you’re a fan of Lightweight Frame Grenade Launchers in Destiny 2, you’re probably aware of Truthteller now that Season of Arrivals is underway. With the sunsetting of Mountaintop getting closer every day, Guardians need a replacement that can soften the blow. Truthteller, for now, appears to fill that void. Here’s how you can get the Season of Arrivals version of Truthteller in Destiny 2.
Truthteller is the replacement for everybody's favorite Grenade Launcher that's being sunset soon. Get Mountaintop while it's still relevant.
How to get Truthteller

Truthteller is a random drop that can be obtained from the most common sources in Destiny 2. The main issue here is that those loot pools are huge, so the chances of one dropping aren’t high. The chances of a Truthteller dropping with a god roll are even smaller. Here’s where to look, though:
- Engrams from Zavala
- Vanguard clan engrams
- Crucible engrams
- Crucible clan engrams
- Legendary engrams
- Banshee-44 rank-up packages
Credit to KackisHD on advising to hit up Banshee-44 for a shot at Truthteller. That’s where I got mine, and it makes sense for Guardians to try there if they have the resources to do so. Banshee-44 will award only weapons, not armor, so at least in that sense there’s a more focused chance of getting Truthteller. The issue is I got a garbage roll, so after dropping about 2,000 Gunsmith Materials, I had a lot of blue shaders I didn’t want and a terrible Truthteller roll. Maybe you’ll be luckier than I was.
Truthteller god roll
Getting a god roll on Truthteller shouldn’t be too hard. There are more perks considered god rolls than ones that aren’t. I just happened to roll Blinding Grenades and Concussion Grenades in the same column, so hopefully I used up all the bad RNG so you could get a good roll.
- PvE god roll: Quick Launch, Spike Grenades, Feeding Frenzy, Multikill Clip
- PvP god roll: Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, Auto-Loading Holster, Quickdraw
Now, those are what I would consider the god roll for this weapon but let me remind you that anyone can list off perks and say it’s a god roll. I suggest you visit and check the community recommended perks for Truthteller for yourself. There is almost always more than one way to reach a god roll for your weapon.
Now that you know how to get Truthteller and what perks to look out for, visit our Destiny 2 strategy guide for more help with life as a Guardian.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, How to get Truthteller - Destiny 2