How to get The Recluse pinnacle weapon in Destiny 2
Learn how to complete From the Mouths of Babes and unlock The Recluse pinnacle Weapon in Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter.
The Recluse is just one of three pinnacle weapons that players can now get their hands on in Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter. If you want to unlock this Legendary SMG, then you’re going to need to put in some work. This guide will go over all the info you need to know to complete the Crucible Triumph, The Stuff of Myth, and unlock The Recluse.
How to get From the Mouths of Babes
The first step you need to complete to acquire The Recluse is to unlock the pinnacle weapon quest step, From the Mouths of Babes. This is a Crucible based quest, so you’re going to need to visit Lord Shaxx in The Tower. Upon visiting him, you can find this quest in the Pursuits section of his wares. Pick it up and it will be added to your inventory.

Now that you’ve got the quest, it’s time to start completing it. This quest step only has one requirement: complete Crucible Triumph The Stuff of Myth.
How to complete The Stuff of Myth Triumph
If you wish to complete The Stuff of Myth Triumph, then you’re going to need to play quite a few Crucible matches. First, you’ll have two main requirements here:
- Win matches in the Crucible.
- Reach Fabled rank.
Completing both of these tasks is going to take you quite a while. In order to complete the first portion, and score wins in the Crucible, you’ll need to fill the bar to 100%. Each win of a normal Crucible match appears to grant you 1%, whereas matches in the Iron Banner and the Competitive playlist will grant you more towards your progress. This means you’re going to need to pull off roughly 100 wins in the Crucible, so grab your Fireteam members and start grinding.

Did you know that you can also unlock the Oxygen SR3 pinnacle weapon in Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter?
Finally, you’re also going to need to reach Fabled Glory rank in the Crucible. If you aren’t aware of how Crucible ranking works, players can achieve a total of six ranks, starting at Guardian. Each of these ranks has three sub-ranks, excluding the final level. Here are the ranks you can achieve:
- Guardian
- Brave
- Heroic
- Fabled
- Mythic
- Legend
As you might have guessed, you’ll achieve higher ranks by playing, and winning, Competitive Crucible matches. Each match you win will add to your Glory Rank. Each time you reach a new rank, you’ll be rewarded with a package for your troubles. The only way to increase your Glory Rank is to play the Competitive playlists in Destiny 2’s Crucible. As of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, the Competitive playlist is Survival, an intense mode where there are limited revives.
Just remember that in Competitive, you lose points if you lose matches, so you’ll want to go in with a Fireteam that is prepared to win. The good news is, reaching Fabled isn’t impossible, it’s just going to take you a while, so be prepared for a long journey.
When you’ve completed the wins in the Crucible and earned Fabled Glory Rank, you’ll complete The Stuff of Myth and then be able to turn in the quest step From the Mouths of Babes. This will reward you with The Recluse SMG. Now that you’ve acquired this elusive pinnacle weapon, be sure to head back over to our Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for more help unlocking other cool weapons and gear in Destiny 2.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, How to get The Recluse pinnacle weapon in Destiny 2