How to get Deepsight Harmonizer - Destiny 2
Deepsight Harmonizer allows Guardians to use Deepsight activation to unlock the weapon patterns of their choice.
Bungie added a new material to Destiny 2 in Season of the Deep called Deepsight Harmonizer. This material can be applied to weapons that qualify for Deepsight activation, allowing players to extract patterns from specific weapons they wish to craft. In this guide, I’ll detail how you can get your hands on Deepsight Harmonizer.
How to get Deepsight Harmonizer

As of Season of the Deep, Deepsight Harmonizer is only available through the season pass in Destiny 2. Guardians can unlock Deepsight Harmonizer along both the paid and free tracks as follows:
- Rank 47: Paid
- Rank 57: Free
- Rank 62: Paid
- Rank 77: Free
- Rank 84: Paid
- Rank 93: Free
In total, it’s possible to unlock six Deepsight Harmonizer materials during Season 21, titled Season of the Deep. With three on the paid track and three on the free track, players who purchased the season pass can get the full six, while players who did not pay for the season pass are limited to only three. Right now, there is no other way to get Deepsight Harmonizer.
Note: You can only have one Deepsight Harmonizer in your inventory at any given time. You must use any that you have before you can claim more from the season pass.
It’s possible that Bungie expands on Deepsight Harmonizer sources in the future, but it’s clear they’re taking a measured approach with this new material out of the gate. That makes sense, since Deepsight Harmonizer effectively circumvents the normal weapon crafting gameplay loop.
If you’d like to read more, Shacknews has a full guide on Deepsight activation and how that works, and there’s always our Destiny 2 strategy guide if you’re looking to dig into some of the other parts of Destiny 2.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, How to get Deepsight Harmonizer - Destiny 2