The Grass Is Always Greener King's Fall raid challenge - Destiny 2
Learn how to complete the Grass Is Always Greener challenge during the Annihilator Totems encounter in King's Fall raid in Destiny 2.
The Grass Is Always Greener challenge in the King’s Fall raid in Destiny 2 requires a bit of hot-potato action. This challenge tasks players with switching back and forth during the Annihilator Totems encounter (the Basilica area). Complete this and you’ll earn an extra reward chest. Here’s how to make this work simply and easily, every single time.
The Grass Is Always Greener challenge - Annihilator Totems
To complete the Grass Is Always Greener challenge, do not have the same buff two times in a row during the Annihilator Totems encounter (the Basilica area). What this means is that if you start on the right-hand side and get the Brand of the Weaver, you cannot use the Brand Claimer to take the Brand of the Weaver on the next cycle. You must go to the left-hand side and take the Brand of the Unraveler. The reverse applies if you started on the left.
As for completing this challenge, it’s just a matter of remembering what side you were on last, and then moving to the opposite site. After you deposit your Deathsinger’s Power into the plate, jump up to the balcony on the side you will go to next. If you came from right, deposit the power, and jump up to the left balcony. This may help you keep track of where to go next.

Overall, this challenge is incredibly simple to complete. The only trip up will be if you forget and head down to the wrong side. If this does happen and you remember before you take the Brand, stop and go to the correct side. The player on the plate may die (unless the next player in the loop is ready and can get down in time), but just be ready to pick up the Brand and keep the fight going.
Another important element of the Grass is Always Greener challenge is understanding how this encounter works. Check out our Annihilator Totems guide if you’re not sure about the mechanics. With this King’s Fall raid challenge completed, you’ll earn extra loot and be one step closer to getting that Seal. Take a look at our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for information on the other challenges.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, The Grass Is Always Greener King's Fall raid challenge - Destiny 2