Feather-Light Triumph - Destiny 2
Tips and tricks to how to easily complete the Feather-Light Triumph in Crota's End in Destiny 2.
The Feather-Light Triumph in Crota’s End is making players pull out their hair. There is a fine line between success and failure when trying to complete this Destiny 2 task, but there are a couple of things you can do to make it far easier for yourself.
Feather-Light Triumph
The Feather-Light Triumph requires players to never get Weight of Darkness x10 in the Abyss encounter of Crota’s End. This Triumph is required in unlocking the Swordbearer Title. As far as Triumphs go, and considering this isn’t a Challenge, it is one that is going to take a lot of patience and a fair amount of practice. Here are some quick tips:
- Have a Stormcaller Warlock with Arc Souls use Vesper of Radius
- Use as many Brimming with Exhaustion raid mods as possible
- Charge the Chalice of Light on the starting plate before moving
- Enlighten a lantern only when you reach Weight of Darkness x7
- Leave a lantern right before it explodes (when the light turns orange)
- Turn the brightness up to max
Let’s break down these tips into a bit more detail. Firstly, a Stormcaller Warlock with the Arc Soul Aspect will be able to give every single player in the fireteam an Arc Soul. This means you’ll have six turrets shooting enemies, allowing you to focus entirely on the various counters on-screen. Vesper of Radius will also send out a blast of Arc and recharge quicker when foes are nearby (which is all the time).

Source: Shacknews
The Brimming with Exhaustion mod reduces the Drained of Light debuff by 2 seconds per mod. This means you can pick up the Chalice of Light sooner, which reduces the chances of someone dying with the chalice when no one can take it.
When it comes to actually starting the encounter, have one player pick up the Chalice of Light and then everyone stand on the starting plate. You do not accumulate Weight of Darkness on the plate. Have another player take it when it’s charged. Stay on the plate until you have roughly 15 seconds left of Engulfed in Darkness and then everyone move to the first lantern and light it. By delaying the start, you can have more players with Enlightened which means less time waiting in the darkness.
Enlightening the lanterns should be done as late as possible, preferably when you reach Weight of Darkness x7. This gives the chalice holder more time to charge. When the lantern is active stay around it until the color changes to orange (right before it explodes) and then go to the next one.
Finally, make sure you have a set rotation of who is taking the Chalice of Light next. The last thing you want is confusion when trying to pass it around. On top of this, someone dying can break a run, so play it safe and don’t do anything too dangerous like using an Eager Edge sword. You might also like to try and have a 5-player rotation and leave the sixth as a fill in case something does go wrong.
Some players have had luck using Strand builds with Grapple grenades and The Navigator. This allows you to grapple to each lantern, which speeds it up. Plus it makes the hill section a breeze. If you try this method, be certain you don’t fly into a hole.
The Feather-Light Triumph might just be one of the more difficult ones in Destiny 2. Expect to spend a bit of time practicing this one and keep an eye on your on-screen counters. Be sure to check out our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more help with other raid challenges.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Feather-Light Triumph - Destiny 2