Exodus: Preparation quest - Destiny 2
As part of the Exodus: Preparation quest, Commander Zavala will have players rallying the troops against Destiny 2's biggest threat yet.
Exodus: Preparation is a new quest in Destiny 2 offered by Commander Zavala. This quest gives players the task of helping planetary characters prepare for whatever the Pyramids have planned. This quest will only be available during Season of Arrivals, so get in and get it done before time runs out.
Exodus: Preparation quest

Part way through Season of Arrivals, players have been given a new directive from Commander Zavala. This quest is called Exodus: Preparation, and has players venturing to the planets where the Pyramids have appeared. The steps involve completing various activities on these planets in a bid to help those planetary vendors prepare.
Players looking to get the Season of Arrivals Seal and Title will need to do this for one of the Season of Arrivals Triumphs.
Preparation: Titan
The first step of this questline is to speak to Deputy Commander Sloane on Titan. Just walk right up to her and interact and you'll be given a new goal.
Task at Hand

Complete a weekly bounty for Sloane. These bounties amount to doing patrols, killing Hive, and doing Strikes. They will also earn you one of the Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams.
Fortifying Titan
Talk with Sloane again after completing her weekly bounty.
Preparation: Io

With Titan prepared for the assault, the next step is to talk with Asher Mir on Io.
Novel Data
Complete a weekly bounty for Asher Mir.
Plotting a Downfall
Speak with Asher Mir.
Report to Zavala

After finishing up Asher Mir’s weekly bounty, and speaking with the Gensym Scribe himself, you will need to return to the Tower to talk with Zavala. At this point, Zavala will offer you a Grenade Launcher, The Militia’s Birthright. If you haven’t already, this GL makes it far easier to get The Mountaintop, so consider working towards that after this quest is done.
Preparation: Mercury
Head to Mercury and talk to Brother Vance in the Lighthouse, he will request your help.
A Hymnal Opens

Complete a weekly bounty for Brother Vance. These bounties might task you with completing a strike, using finishers, or defeating combatants on Mercury. Use the Vex jump portals around the map and clear out Vex at each landing zone to summon some Storm Minotaurs if you're struggling to locate some.
A Brother’s Guidance
Speak with Brother Vance after completing one of his weekly bounties.
Preparation: Mars
The next step in the Exodus: Preparation quest is to visit Ana Bray on Mars.
BrayTech Support

As you may have guessed, this step requires you to complete one of Ana’s weekly bounties. These bounties usually focus on completing a strike, defeating enemies with melees, and just killing baddies on Mars. Grab one and get to work.
Shades of Red
With this final weekly bounty completed, go and speak with Ana Bray. Your next stop is the Tower.
Return to Zavala
Now that everyone is prepped and ready for action, return to Zavala in the Tower. He’ll have a few final words before the quest is completed.
The Exodus: Preparation quest will have you planet-hopping to the locations destined to be removed in September. This is a Season of Arrivals exclusive quest, meaning it will disappear at the end of the season. Be sure to swing by the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for even more helpful walkthroughs.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Exodus: Preparation quest - Destiny 2