Masked Mayhem Triumph - Destiny 2
Gild your Ghost Writer Title by completing the Masked Mayhem Triumph in Destiny 2.
When Festival of the Lost returns, those Ghost Writer Title holders among you will no doubt be looking to Gild the Title. One of the Triumphs to Gild the Title is called Masked Mayhem, which can cause some players a bit of trouble. The reason for this is that some activities that the Triumph says will work, may offer no progress.
Masked Mayhem Triumph

Source: Shacknews
The Masked Mayhem Triumph is required in order to Gild the Ghost Writer Title during Festival of the Lost. This Triumph has the following requirement:
- While wearing a Festival mask, complete dungeons, raids, Master or Grandmaster Nightfalls, or win rounds in the Trials of Osiris.
There are some instances where various activities listed in the description do not in fact provide percentage advancement. Some players have reported no progress when completing raids and dungeons, and if this is the case when you’re doing it, then there is a good chance it is bugged. The good news is that Bungie appears to fix these problems fairly quickly.
Sometimes the wording can also be incorrect in-game. Some players have reported that only Master-level content works. When it comes to completing the Masked Mayhem Triumph, err on the side of caution and try to complete only Master content wherever possible. For example, Master Lost Sectors definitely reward progress, with each completion netting roughly a third of the bar. Clear three and you’ll be done!
While the Masked Mayhem Triumph is easy to understand, there can be confusion when activities do not offer any progress. If this happens to you, fall back on proven methods like Master Lost Sectors and the most recently released dungeons and raids. Soon enough, you’ll have the Ghost Writer Title Gilded and you can focus on ticking off other endgame goals. Take a look at our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for information on acquiring other coveted Titles.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Masked Mayhem Triumph - Destiny 2