Volantes Violentiam, The Manticore Exotic Catalyst - Destiny 2
Unlock the Manticore Exotic catalyst by completing the Volantes Violentiam quest in Destiny 2.
Volantes Violentiam is a quest included with Season of the Seraph to unlock the Manticore Exotic catalyst. Much like other catalyst quests, this one requires players use the new seasonal Exotic weapon and then charge it up by getting kills.
Volantes Violentiam quest – The Manticore Exotic catalyst
The Volantes Violentiam quest is given to players from Banshee-44 once they have acquired the Manticore. During Season of the Seraph, this is done via the season pass while after the season the gun will be available from the Momentum to Lost Lights.
The quest consists of three steps, with the last one being to speak to Banshee-44. As such, this one is quick to complete. The main time-sink will be the second step which requires completing various activities while using the weapon.
Step 1: 50 SMG kills while airborne

Source: Shacknews
- Defeat targets with Submachine Guns while airborne
Grab your favorite SMG (or use The Manticore) and start jumping and shooting enemies. Any kills you get while airborne will count toward the total. The Manticore is likely the preferred option here as it lets you hang in the air with decent in-air accuracy.
Step 2: Calibration data & kills

Source: Shacknews
- 200 Calibration data generated
- Defeat targets
For this step you must use The Manticore. Calibration data is acquired by completing activities while the Manticore is equipped. Use Vanguard Operations, Gambit, and Crucible matches to fill the bar. You will gain additional percentages for high-tier Nightfalls, PVP wins, and getting Guardian kills.
As for the defeated targets, this will happen naturally as you’re acquiring the calibration data provided you’re getting kills with the gun. If you need more kills, load up your favorite activity or just mindlessly farm defeats using the Shuro Chi checkpoint in the Last Wish raid.
Step 3: Speak with Banshee-44

Source: Shacknews
- Banshee-44 visited
Head to Banshee-44 and chat with him to complete the quest. He’s found in the Tower, in the courtyard to the right.
With the quest completed, you will unlock the Manticore Exotic catalyst. All you need to do now is get kills with the gun to actually complete the masterwork. Once that is done, the gun can have its Exotic catalyst applied, which will add the Flying Monster perk. This grants damage resistance when you get final blows while airborne.
The Manticore Exotic catalyst makes the weapon even more powerful for those who like fighting in the air. This could be a great choice when using Strand abilities, especially those that focus on in-air movement. Read over our Exotic catalyst page for information on how to unlock each catalyst for every Exotic weapon. There’s also the Destiny 2 strategy guide for our complete coverage of the game.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Volantes Violentiam, The Manticore Exotic Catalyst - Destiny 2