Destiny 2 - How to Get Masterwork Weapons
Kickass harder by getting your hands on Masterwork weapons in Destiny 2.
The Masterwork weapons have now been added to Destiny 2 in the latest post-Curse of Osiris patch. Update added a few good bits and pieces, with Masterwork weapons acting as a momentary end-game goal for players looking for more to do. Actually getting one of these Masterwork weapons is actually pretty tough, but there are ways you can improve your odds.
How to Get Masterwork Weapons
Masterwork weapons are Legendary guns with additional stat changes and advantages over their standard Legendary counterparts. Included in this new weapons is the fundamental ability to generate Orbs of Light on multi-kills, which is exceptionally useful in PVE situations such as the Leviathan raid. Furthermore, Masterwork weapons come with random, re-rollable weapon stat increases such as handling, reload speed, etc.

There are currently no guaranteed ways to earn yourself a Masterwork weapon but there are things you can do to improve your chances. Masterwork weapons drop from Legendary engrams, so whenever you have an opportunity to receive one, or even a Legendary weapon from a chest drop in the raid, take it. You can receive Legendary weapons and engrams through the following methods:
- Vendor Tokens
- Planetary and Public Event Chests
- Milestones
- Trials of the Nine
- Leviathan Raids
Out of all these methods, Trials of the Nine and Leviathan raid drops have a higher chance of dropping as Masterwork versions, so if you’re able to, always run these activities when they’re available. You can also turn your old Legendary weapons into Masterwork versions, but in order to do that you must first know how to get Masterwork Cores.
All Masterwork Stat Bonuses
Every weapon type has a limit to the stat bonuses they can receive, this means you shouldn't be wasting Masterwork Cores trying to get an Impact stat bonus on a Hand Cannon. It just won't happen! Below are all the possible stats you can receive for every weapon type in Destiny 2.
Auto Rifle
- +5 Range
- +10 Magazine
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
Fusion Rifle
- +5 Stability
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
Grenade Launcher
- +5 Stability
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
- +5 Blast Radius
Hand Cannon
- +5 Stability
- +10 Magazine
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
Pulse Rifle
- +5 Range
- +10 Magazine
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
Rocket Launcher
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
- +5 Projectile Speed
- +5 Blast Radius
Scout Rifle
- +5 Range
- +10 Magazine
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
- +5 Stability
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
- +5 Stability
- +10 Magazine
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
Sniper Rifle
- +5 Range
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
- +5 Range
- +10 Magazine
- +10 Reload
- +10 Handling
- +10 Magazine
- +5 Impact
So really, the only way to ensure you get Masterwork weapons is to simply keep playing Destiny 2 and hope that you get lucky and receive one from a random drop! Take a look at our Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more walkthroughs and tips.