Destiny 2 - December 12 Update
All the changes coming to Destiny 2 in the December 12 Update.
Destiny 2 has already received its first piece of DLC, Curse of Osiris, but now players are chomping at the bit to get their hands on the December 12 Update, a quality-of-life patch that will add new content, change how old stuff works, and generally make for a more enjoyable experience. Though these coming changes likely won’t blow you away, they are at least a step in the right direction.
December 12 Update
The December 12 Update for Destiny 2 goes live in several hours, so certainly expect the servers to go down for maintenance at some point between now and reset. The following is based off of the State of Destiny 2 article Bungie posted a couple of weeks ago, so it will be interesting to see whether any other changes make it into the game.
Masterworks is a new functionality coming to Legendary weapons in the December 12 Update. Certain Legendary weapons can drop as a new “Masterworks” version, and some old ones will receive an upgrade – so you might find your collection updates overnight.

Masterworks offer a few advantages over their standard counterparts:
- Track and display the number of kills with that weapon (with choice between total count or Crucible-only count)
- Generate orbs for you and your allies on multi-kills
- Add weapon stat bonuses that are selected randomly from a small pool and are re-rollable
Dismantling a Masterworks weapon grants you resources that can be used to upgrade a Legendary weapon into a Masterworks version – provided it’s one of the few that have been made available for the upgrade. While a Legendary you receive won’t be guaranteed to drop as a Masterworks version, Raid and Trials of the Nine weapons have a higher chance of dropping as a Masterworks.
Faction Armor and Weapons
Starting on December 12, Faction Vendors will sell their armor and weapons for Legendary Shards. However, in order to purchase said armor, you will need to earn the appropriate amount of Reward Engrams. This means, if you wish to purchase all five pieces of armor, you must earn five Reward Engrams.
Xur’s Inventory

Our favorite tentacle-faced Vendor will be receiving his own upgrade on December 12. When Xur rolls around on Friday, he’ll be bringing with him a couple of new items:
- Fated Engram
- Three of Coins
The Fated Engram is an Exotic Engram that will set you back 97 Legendary Shards and will decrypt as an Exotic you do not own – no more duplicates! The Three of Coins is a booster that increases your chances of receiving an Exotic Engram from drops for four hours.
Commander Zavala and Lord Shaxx
The man who sends you out to do Strikes and Nightfalls and the one who yells at you during Crucible matches will be offering a very interesting item in the Destiny 2 December 12 Update. Known only as the “Gift consumable”, this item will grant a bonus reward to everyone in that activity upon completion, friend or foe. Plus, this reward could be anything from Faction Tokens to a round of Exotic Engrams for everyone in the match.
Quality of Life Changes
There are also a couple of “quality of life” changes coming with the December 12 Update. No longer will you open a chest and receive literally nothing, because Bungie are softening the anti-exploit measures on chests. Players used to find that if they opened chests or collected resources too quickly, that Destiny 2 would think they were trying to exploit the game and stop giving rewards. This is going to happen far less often now. Finally, Vendors in the Tower will no longer flash on your heads-up-display unless you have enough tokens to actually level them up. A small, but nice change.
The Destiny 2 December 12 Update is looking to add a couple of interesting features into the game, but don’t expect it to make great big sweeping changes. It’s unlikely large changes will happen before the next major DLC drop (as in the one after DLC2 – whatever Destiny 2’s own “Taken King” expansion turns out to be), however, we can always hope!
Be sure to check out our Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more walkthroughs on everything you need to know!
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Destiny 2 - December 12 Update