Corrective Measure god roll - Destiny 2
Corrective Measure is back and there are plenty of god rolls for players to chase in Destiny 2.
Corrective Measure is a Void Machine Gun that has arrived in Destiny 2 alongside the release of the Vault of Glass raid. This Power weapon has a few fantastic perks for PVE players and some half-decent options for PVP players. Though, truth be told, when it comes to PVP players and Crucible, Xenophage rules the roost.
Corrective Measure god rolls
A god roll Corrective Measure will look different depending on your playstyle, however, there are some excellent perks you should be aiming to acquire. For PVE players, there are two main setups you want, while PVP players, I’m not sure you’ll be using this over something else.
As for where you can get Corrective Measure, this Heavy Machine Gun drops from the Conflux, Templar, and Atheon encounters in the Vault of Glass raid.
Corrective Measure god roll for PVE

For PVE, one of the first Corrective Measure god rolls focuses on keeping the magazine full and clearing waves of enemies.
- Barrel: Polygonal Rifling (Stability +10)
- Magazine: Tactical Mag (Stability +5, Reload Speed +10, Magazine +10)
- Perk 1: Subsistence
- Perk 2: Firefly
Polygonal Rifling is a great option here as it brings in that stability. The recoil rating is already quite good, so there’s really no need to touch that. Another option would be Fluted Barrel to bump that Handling stat up so you can get it out faster and aim down sights a bit quicker.
Tactical Mag continues to be a great option for the magazine as it targets the Stability and Reload Speed stat while also increasing how many rounds are in a clip.
As for the perks, forget about Rewind Rounds. They might be cool at partially filling your your magazine when it runs dry, but what’s better than that? Continually having your mag refilled, that’s what. Subsistence procs on every kill, and if you can one-hit a lowly mob, you’ll rarely need to reload.
Following on from that, Firefly is a great perk. It speeds up reload speed and also makes things explode. It’s just a better Dragonfly and I’m pleased to see its return in this format. You might also like One For All for the damage boost, but that’s up to you.
I don’t usually do this, but here is another perk line-up you might consider for PVE. The reason I do this now is that, as mentioned on the page, Corrective Measure can potentially roll with Demolitionist and the new Adrenaline Junkie perk. The level of synergy here is nuts.
- Barrel: Polygonal Rifling (Stability +10)
- Magazine: Tactical Mag (Stability +5, Reload Speed +10, Magazine +10)
- Perk 1: Demolitionist
- Perk 2: Adrenaline Junkie
The Barrel and Magazine should remain the same, but the two perks you want would be Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie.
With Demolitionist, kills with the weapon provide grenade energy. When you throw a grenade, the magazine is fully reloaded from your reserves. This means you can fire an entire magazine, and if you’re getting kills, have your grenade ready to go, throw it, and keep on shooting with your freshly refilled mag. Slap on some high Discipline armor and some Heavy ammo finder mods and you’ll be spewing out damage.
To make this more potent, Adrenaline Junkie grants you bonus damage and handling after getting a grenade kill. With how much you’ll have your grenade up, you’ll be capable of keeping this bonus damage going for quite a while.
Corrective Measure god roll for PVP

For PVP, a god roll Corrective Measure will focus in on its Range and Stability. The idea here is to get that moderate Impact damage to work at longer ranges while keeping it stable. However, if you’re using a Machine Gun in PVP, you’re probably already using Xenophage.
- Barrel: Smallbore (Range +7, Stability +7)
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds (Range +10)
- Perk 1: Surplus
- Perk 2: High-Impact Reserves
The Barrel on a Corrective Measure god roll for PVP will come down to personal preference. Smallbore will boost the Range and Stability stats an equal amount. You might also like Polygonal Rifling for the pure Stability boost. Fluted Barrel will help with the ADS and draw speed, with a touch of Stability.
The Magazine should likely be Accurized Rounds for the ten point bump to Range. This, along with Smallbore, boosts the Range stat past 70, which makes it better than Thunderlord’s Range. If you don’t plan on engaging enemies at great distances, Tactical Mag is a great option.
For the first perk, Surplus is probably the better choice over Dynamic Sway Reduction. The latter of these two rewards you with more accuracy and stability the longer the trigger is held down. In PVP, you don’t want to be in a situation where you need to hold the trigger down long enough for this to activate. You’ll be churning through the limited ammo. Instead, Surplus boosts handling, reload speed, and stability for each fully charged ability. During Heavy rounds, you’ll be using your Heavy and then following through with abilities, which makes this ideal.
For the last perk, High-Impact Reserves ensures the rounds at the end of a magazine deal more damage. In PVP, you’re likely not going to get a full magazine anyway, and if you do, you’ll hit the lower half of your mag in no time. This means you’ll be able to quickly mop up hurting opponents with greater ease. Another option might be Tap The Trigger for that initial stability and accuracy boost.
Corrective Measure is a great Machine Gun for PVE players thanks to its perk pool. For PVP players, it will likely feel pretty good to use, as it’s similar to Hammerhead, though it does excel in a few different areas. All you need to do now is farm Vault of Glass for the Corrective Measure god roll that suits your Destiny 2 playstyle. Now, head over to the Shacknews Destiny 2 Guide for more weapon god roll recommendations.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Corrective Measure god roll - Destiny 2