Bottom Dollar god roll - Destiny 2
Try your luck at finding a Bottom Dollar god roll in Destiny 2 and make all your friends jealous.
Bottom Dollar is the latest hot thing in Destiny 2 and there are a whole lot of reasons why. As far as Hand Cannons go, a Bottom Dollar god roll is going to be quite varied as it has an outrageous amount of perks it can land with. However, this also means it can fit just about any playstyle under the sun. Here’s just a slim insight into what a Bottom Dollar god roll might look like as well as some other recommendations.
Bottom Dollar god roll

Bottom Dollar is an Energy Hand Cannon that dishes out Void damage. This weapon made its way into Destiny 2 during Season of the Chosen and is only available as a drop from Gambit and Drifter rank-up packages. With so many perks and so little sources, finding a Bottom Dollar will be tough and finding a god roll will be tougher still. One look at the page should give you a good idea of the number of perks available; the last two columns both have 12 perk options!
Before we dive into what perks to look for on a Bottom Dollar god roll, let’s analyze this gun. Bottom Dollar is an Aggressive Frame Hand Cannon, featuring an exceptionally high Impact stat thanks to it belonging in the 120 RPM archetype. It's a great option for those players that don’t want to bother playing Trials of Osiris for Igneous Hammer.
One of the areas where Bottom Dollar shines is in its Range stat. Because of this, you don’t need to pay too much attention to improving this specific area, however, every little bit certainly helps. The main area you will want to focus is on the Stability, as it is rather lacking, and maybe even Handling for that faster draw and ADS speed.
Bottom Dollar god roll for PVP

As mentioned above, Bottom Dollar has a decent Range stat to begin with, which means part of it can be sacrificed for the greater good. A hit to this can be supplemented with one of the best perks for PVP weapons: Killing Wind. Here’s what one potential Bottom Dollar god roll might look like:
- Barrel: Polygonal Rifling (Stability +10)
- Magazine: Steady Rounds (Stability +15, Range -5)
- Perk 1: Killing Wind
- Perk 2: Eye of the Storm
Starting with the Barrel, Polygonal Rifling gives a healthy 10 point bump to Stability. This will ensure the Hand Cannon doesn’t kick like a mule as you’re trying to land those precious critical hits. You might also consider Smallbore for the even Range and Stability increase.
The Magazine perk should be Steady Rounds. Though it does hit Range, it offers the highest boost to Stability, which is vital on this gun. If you’re fine with the kick, you could go for Accurized Rounds for the pure Range boost.
Now, for most PVP guns, Killing Wind is currently vogue. This perk increases mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration after a kill. This will make up for the 5 point hit from Steady Rounds and then some. If you don’t want Killing Wind, and instead opted for Accurized Rounds, Rangefinder might be your other option for the Range aficionado.
For the final perk column, this is where things can get a bit wild. Eye of the Storm is a humble perk that is going to be active just about all the time in a game of Crucible. Eye of the Storm ensures your weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower. This means as you’re duelling and taking hits, you’re becoming more lethal.
If you don’t like Eye of the Storm, there are a wealth of other perks you might go for. High-Impact Reserves make the bottom half of the magazine even more potent. Opening Shot ensures bonus accuracy and range on the first bullet. Rampage is also a great option as it makes Bottom Dollar a two-tapping monster. There’s a lot of freedom here (if you can get the thing to drop).
Bottom Dollar god roll for PVE

For those that like using Hand Cannons in PVE, a good Bottom Dollar god roll is going to be extremely exciting to play with. As mentioned above, there are so many different perk combinations that you can no doubt find an alternative roll to what’s listed here and still have fun. But let’s dive into what I’d be looking for on a Bottom Dollar.
- Barrel: Smallbore (Range +7, Stability +7)
- Magazine: Tactical Mag (Stability +5, Reload Speed +10, Magazine +10)
- Perk 1: Outlaw
- Perk 2: Multikill Clip
For the Barrel, Smallbore offers an equal increase to Range and Stability. Most PVE encounters tend to take place across distances that are somewhat outside of a Hand Cannon’s damage falloff. For this reason, boosting out the Range to be able to tap a distant Minotaur’s shield is going to be helpful. It's also worth noting tha critical hits in PVE aren’t as vital as they are in PVP (at least when you're just clearing trash mobs) and can oftentimes be easier to hit even with an unruly gun.
Tactical Mag is one of the best Magazine perks on the market. A lot of the time, magazine size buffs tend to only add a few bullets, which is rarely worth the sacrifice to reload speeds. Tactical Mag offers greater stability and reload speed, plus a little bump to the magazine size.
Anyone that’s read enough of these knows my stance on Outlaw: it’s awesome. Faster reload speed after a critical hit is great, especially with a Hand Cannon that has a slow reload speed – anyone getting flashbacks to Zaouli’s Bane?
Perhaps you don’t really mind the reload speed. Well, then there are things like: Rapid Hit (rapid precision hits temporarily increase stability and reload speed), Fourth Time’s the Charm (rapdily landing precision hits return two rounds to the magazine), Subsistence (kills partially reload the magazine from reserves) and Surplus (increase handling, reload speed, and stability for each fully charged ability). All of thesekeep Bottom Dollar accurate, keep rounds in the magazine, and otherwise improve other stats.
The last perk column has such a wide range of available perks that it’s likely going to come down to personal preference. For example, Multikill Clip is great at boosting your damage output, one-tapping enemies and clearing up yellows with ease but Dragonfly is also a lot of fun for its wave-clear potential. You might also like Wellspring as each kill will generate ability energy, which is divided between your uncharged abilities. Of course, Rampage is great for damage increase while Demolitionist will focus entirely on your grenade charges.
Overall, Bottom Dollar is an fantastic Hand Cannon with such a large number of perks that finding a god roll you like shouldn’t be too hard. Of course, the main hurdle will be getting the thing to drop from Gambit. Let me know in the comments below what you have on a Bottom Dollar or what you’re hoping to get. Also, be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for more content to help you on your journey.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Bottom Dollar god roll - Destiny 2