Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure location in Destiny 2
Find the Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure chest on Mars in Destiny 2 and claim your rewards.
The Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure chest is another one of Emperor Calus’ rewards he’s squirreled away on a Patrol Zone. Any Destiny 2 player looking to farm up some powerful gear would do well to track down the Alton Dynamo chest on Mars and claim the goods!
Destiny 2 | Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure location
To find the Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure chest, start by loading up Mars through the Director. The best place to land is via the Glacial Drift fast travel point. This is the southern area of the map, towards the Olympus Descent.

After you spawn in to the Mars Patrol Zone, head left, past the bridge and continue through the canyon. You will cross over a battlefield with plenty of Hive. You are looking for a tunnel in the side of the canyon wall that leads into the underground Warmind structure. Jump from the tunnel across to the structure, and then fight through the Cabal.
Approach the first diamond door and pass through, you will arrive at a T-intersection. Turn right and follow the path along and into a large databank room. This room has several dozen pillars and a central raised area. Once you enter this databank room, hug the left-hand side and work your way around. You will likely see the glow of the chest in the distance behind a set of stairs.
Opening this chest for the first time rewards a Triumph, which in turn offers 500 Imperials when you claim it through the Triumph page. This is an excellent way to get more Imperials in Destiny 2, though there are some others.
Finding the Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure chest is one of the easier chests to locate in Destiny 2. However, if you’re finding it tough tracking down some of Emperor Calus’ other treasure chests, check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for their locations.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Alton Dynamo Imperial Treasure location in Destiny 2