All Moments of Triumph 2020 - Destiny 2
Moments of Triumph 2020 is here in Destiny 2, giving players an opportunity to unlock the MMXX Title.
Moments of Triumph 2020 has arrived in Destiny 2. With so much going on in the game, and the world of Destiny 2 being on the cusp of change, there is a large variety of tasks players must complete to get the MMXX Title. Thankfully, we’ve got a guide for all of it.
Moments of Triumph 2020
This year’s Moments of Triumph in Destiny 2 goes from July 7 to September 22, according to the Season of Arrivals roadmap. This end date is right before Beyond Light launches. Players are given three months to finish a ton of tasks, including completing the raids that will be disappearing in the next season. Below is a list of all the Triumphs, as well as some helpful links to appropriate guides.

- Bungie Rewards Triumph Shirt Available – Complete 15 Triumphs to earn a token that unlocks the 2020 T-shirt for purchase at the Bungie Store.
- Reward: Ghost – Complete 10 Triumphs to earn the 2020 Ghost.
- Reward: Sparrow – Complete 5 Triumphs during Moments of Triumph to earn the 2020 Sparrow.
- Reward: Emblem – Complete Triumphs to earn the 2020 Emblem.
- Reward: Raid Ring and Emblem – Complete all 5 raids to earn a token that unlocks the Raid Ring for purchase at the Bungie store and a unique emblem.
- Leviathan Raid – Complete the Leviathan raid.
- Eater of Worlds Raid – Complete the Eater of Worlds raid.
- Spire of Stars Raid – Complete the Spire of Stars raid.
- Crown of Sorrow Raid – Complete the Crown of Sorrow raid.
- Scourge of the Past Raid – Complete the Scourge of the Past raid.
- Triumph Apprentice – Attain a moderate Triumph score to earn a code for the Sunset Emblem.
- Triumph Master – Attain a high Triumph score to earn a code for the Eclipsed Sunset Emblem.
- Gun for Hire – Complete bounties throughout the system.
- Challenger – Complete weekly challenges throughout the system.
- For the Vanguard – Complete strikes in any playlist.
- Ordeal or No Deal – Complete Ordeal strikes. Challenging strikes grant the most efficient progress.
- Season of Arrivals: Valor Legend – During Season of Arrivals, reach the Legend Valor rank and reset your Valor rank.
- Trials Victories – Win matches in the Trials of Osiris.
- Gambit Standout – During Season of Arrivals, deposit Motes and defeat combatants with precision final blows in Gambit.
- K1 Discovered – Complete and loot all of the Moon’s Lost Sectors.
- K1 Logistics
- K1 Revelation
- K1 Crew Quarters
- K1 Communion
- Altars of Sorrow: Final Phase – Defeat a Tier V Nightmare boss.
- Garden of Salvation – Complete the Garden of Salvation raid.
- Destroyer of Heretics – Complete the Pit of Heresy.
- Prophecy Complete – Complete the Prophecy dungeon.
- Season Pass Rank – Attain rank 100 in Season of Arrivals.
- Interference: Clear the Air – Defeat Savathun’s mysterious Supplicant in mission “Interference”.
- Exotic Arsenal – Claim the 3 new Exotic weapons from Season of Arrivals.
- Witherhoard
- Ruinous Effigy
- Traveler’s Chosen
- Hive-God Optometrist – Find and destroy all of Savathun’s Eyes.
- The Majesty of It – Obtain Magnificent Legendary Solstice Armor.
- Above and Beyond – Earn Glow on any Solstice of Heroes Armor.
Moments of Triumph 2020 also includes three secret Triumphs. Thanks to the power of accessing the Destiny 2 API, we know what they are and they have been included in the above list. For posterity, they are: Interference: Clear the Air, The Majesty of It, and Above and Beyond. Credit to for being an invaluable resource for the Destiny 2 community.
The steps that involve Solstice armor will be unavailable until August 11, which is when Solstice of Heroes begins. Players will have until September 8 to get a full set of Solstice armor, check back with us when the event starts for a thorough guide on how to do just that.
For now though, there are plenty of Triumphs for players to chase for the Moments of Triumph 2020 Seal and Title. Take a look over the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for more walkthroughs, overviews, and analysis of everything in the game.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, All Moments of Triumph 2020 - Destiny 2