Who is Master Ives in Destiny 2?
Learn the identity of Master Ives before solving his murder in Festival of the Lost.
During Festival of the Lost, players must solve the mystery of Master Ives’ murder, but the biggest mystery at the moment for a lot of players is trying to work out who is Master Ives?
Who is Master Ives?
Players who have been exploring the world of Destiny since the original game launched back in 2014 will remember Master Ives from the House of Wolves expansion pack that released on May 19, 2015. This expansion brought players to the Reef for the first time in service of Mara Sov, the Awoken Queen, and this is where they first encountered Master Ives, the Reef’s Cryptarch.

Master Ives sat at the back of the Vestian Outpost, beside the much beloved Variks, The Loyal. According to the Destiny Tracker Grimoire collection, Master Ives had his own Grimoire card.
PLEASE NOTE: The Tower Cryptography operates under many false beliefs.
By the Queen's mercy, the Reef Cryptography will educate you on the true nature of encryption, if you so desire.
In ancient times, Earthlings thought there were three states of matter. We now know there to be four: solid, liquid, gas and engram. Of these, the engram is the purest state of matter.
The role of the Cryptarchy is to encrypt and safeguard civilization's informational infrastructure, not to decrypt anything and everything for any lowdown scavenger who happens upon an engram.
Outside of being the only other Cryptarch choice for players in the first couple of years of Destiny (until Tyra Karn came along with Rise of Iron), Master Ives didn’t really offer anything different to Master Rahool.
As for Master Ives and his role in Destiny 2, he was not included at the launch of the game, nor was he introduced in the last three DLCs. However, the voice actor who played Master Ives now voices Devrim Kay, the NPC found in the European Dead Zone, so it’s safe to say we won’t be hearing Master Ives, except through the tea-loving Brit in the chapel tower.
The next time players hear about Master Ives will be during the Festival of the Lost, Destiny’s yearly Halloween event that kicks off on Tuesday, October 16. In the meantime, check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more helpful articles!