How to get the Superblack Shader - Destiny 2
Superblack was a Destiny 1 fan-favorite Shader and it's now returning to Destiny 2 via the Into the Light content drop.
The Superblack Shader finally returns to players’ collections. This original Destiny Shader was one of the most popular, for obvious reasons, and now it’s worked its way into Destiny 2 with the Into the Light content drop. Players that want to look sharp and broody will need to acquire two keys to access it: Key Alpha and Key Omega.
How to unlock Superblack Shader
The Superblack Shader can be unlocked by acquiring the Superblack Key Alpha and Superblack Key Omega items from Lord Shaxx and Arcite 99-40, respectively, in the Hall of Guardians. Once both keys are acquired, the containment shield behind Lord Shaxx can be opened and the Superblack Shader can be extracted from the symbiote.

Source: Bungie
To get the Superblack Key Alpha, you must level up Lord Shaxx’s new reputation to Rank 17. This is not to be confused with the Crucible ranks. As you level up, you’ll be unlocking new armor, Exotic items, as well as some new type of currency.
For Superblack Key Omega, you must complete weekly rotation quests from Arcite 99-40 to unlock it. This will no doubt take a while and require you to play a lot of the new mode, Onslaught. This shouldn’t be a problem, especially as 12 reprised weapons will be dropping from it featuring a host of new perks.
With both keys in hand, head behind Lord Shaxx and unlock the containment. You’ll now be the proud own of the Superblack Shader. Put it on those armor pieces and weapons and enjoy looking super edgy! Be sure to check out our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more help with Into the Light, Onslaught, and the weapon god rolls you need to have.