Season of the Chosen Seasonal Artifact, Bell of Conquests - Destiny 2

Published , by Sam Chandler

Season of the Chosen, Destiny 2’s latest Season, offers players another 25 mods to play with in a new Seasonal Artifact, the Bell of Conquests. This Artifact behaves exactly like the others and is actually easier to collect than last Season’s one. Let’s talk about how to get it and what Artifact mods you should be using in each column.

How to unlock Season of the Chosen Seasonal Artifact

destiny 2 unlock season of the chosen seasonal artifact
The Bell of Conquest Seasonal Artifact is unlocked after the first mission in the Season of the Chosen campaign.

The Season of the Chosen Artifact is automatically unlocked after the first mission in the Season of the Chosen campaign. After defeating the first boss in the first Battleground, you will pick up the Bell of Conquests. Take it to the War Table in the H.E.L.M. to receive it as the Seasonal Artifact. Now you can begin completing bounties and Seasonal Challenges to gain XP and charge it up.

Bell of Conquests mods

Below you will find a breakdown of each column in the Seasonal Artifact, including the mod name, effect, armor slot, and how much energy it will cost. There’s also a brief overview of some early-in-the-Season thoughts on which mods you should be aiming for. Check back with us once we find the best builds using the Bell of Conquest mods.

Column 1 - 0 Artifact Mods required
Mod Slot Effect Energy cost
Overload Bow Arms Damage by fully drawn arrows disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. 1
Unstoppable Pulse Rifle Arms Aiming down Pulse Rifle sights loads a high-impact burst that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. 1
Anti-Barrier Scout Rifle Arms Scout Rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and sun Barrier Champions. Scout Rifles deal bonus damage against Barrier Champions. 1
Unstoppable Hand Cannon Arms Aiming down sights with any Hand Cannon you are wielding loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. 1
Overload Submachine Gun Arms Uninterrupted fire from your equipped SMGs grants bullets that sun combatants, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. 1

The first column of mods focuses on Overload, Unstoppable, and Anti-Barrier mod types. The only other mods that cover these effects are found in the fourth column, so consider the type of content you’ll be playing early on. Obviously, weapon preferences will play a part. The bow mod pairs nicely with Ticuu’s Divination, the Seasonal Exotic weapon.

Column 2 - 1 Artifact Mod required
Mod Slot Effect Energy cost
Scout and Sniper Rifle Targeting Helmet Improves targeting for Scout Rifles and Sniper Rifles 2
Scout Rifle Loader Arms Increases reload speed of Scout Rifles. 1
Box Dexterity Arms Faster ready and stow speed for Bows. 1
Sniper Rifle Dexterity Arms Faster ready and stow speed for Sniper Rifles. 1
Sidearm Dexterity Arms Faster ready and stow speed for Sidearms. 1

The second column is mainly about improving a given weapon’s performance. The Sniper and Scout Rifle-centric mods are a fine option, especially paired with some mods from the first and fourth columns.

Column 3 - 4 Artifact Mods required
Mod Slot Effect Energy cost
Unflinching Scout Rifle Aim Chest Reduces flinching from incoming fire while aiming Scout Rifles. 1
Sniper Rifle Scavenger Leg Sniper Rifles get bonus reserves when you pick up Special ammo. 1
Bow Reloader Arms Increases reload speed of Bows. 1
Unflinching Sniper Aim Chest Reduces flinching from incoming fire while aiming Sniper Rifles. 1
Submachine Gun Loader Arms Increases reload speed of Submachine Guns. 1

The third column further improves weapon handling while. This Season looks to lean a bit hard into Sniper Rifles, so there’s a good chance a Sniper meta will bubble to the surface. The recent buff to SMGs also means that any SMG mods are going to be a great choice.

Column 4 - 7 Artifact Mods required
Mod Slot Effect Energy cost
Anti-Barrier Sniper Rifle Arms Sniper Rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and sun Barrier Champions. Sniper Rifles deal more damage against Barrier Champions. 6
Disrupting Blade Arms Landing consecutive hits with any Sword you are wielding disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. 6
Resonance Siphon Class Item Gain Stasis ability energy whenever you or a member of your fireteam stuns a Champion. 2
Surge Detonators Class Item Arc grenade disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. 2
Inferno Whip Class Item Solar melee abilities stun unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. 2

The fourth column is where things really start to kick off. Surge Detonators is similar to a mod from the previous Season but this one affects Arc grenades. This is excellent for stunning Champions in the Legend and Master Lost Sectors and pairs nicely with some Warlock builds. Stasis users will also get a kick out of Resonance Siphon for that energy return.

Column 5 - 10 Artifact Mods required
Mod Slot Effect Energy cost
Focusing Lens Class Item Your Light abilities do bonus damage to combatants affected by Stasis. 3
Passive Guard Class Item Receive less damage from combatants that are close to you while you are wielding a sword. 6
Glacial Inheritance Class Item Defeating targets with your Stasis Super refunds Super energy. 6
Sundering Glare Class Item Rapid precision hits against distant combatants weaken them for a short duration. 6
Volatile Conduction  Class Item Grants bonus Arc Super damage if cast while critically wounded. Lasts until the end of the Super activation. 6

The fifth and final column in the Bell of Conquests Seasonal Artifact provides a really great breadth of options. Focusing Lens is great in fireteams with a mixture of Stasis and Light abilities, Glacial Inheritance will ensure Stasis Supers recharge faster, Volatile Conduction could be a great asset for those Arc builds that want more damage, and of course, Sundering Glare looks to be a must-have for raiding teams. There’s also Passive Guard, but how popular Swords will be remains to be seen.

The Season of the Chosen Seasonal Artifact, the Bell of Conquests, offers quite an appealing selection of mods. There looks to be a mod to cover a broad range of playstyles, ignoring of course the hard focus on Scout Rifles and Sniper Rifles in the first few columns. With the right mod build, players should find themselves pushing through the harder endgame content with ease. Stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide page for more content from this latest Season.