Should You Choose to Accept It, Revision Zero Exotic catalysts - Destiny 2
Revision Zero has four Exotic catalysts in Destiny 2 split across four parts of the quest, Should You Choose to Accept It.
Revision Zero is the first weapon in Destiny 2 to come with more than one Exotic catalyst. This Pulse Rifle, introduced with Season of the Seraph, has four Exotic catalysts, all of which give the gun an additional perk. Unlocking all of these will require completing each part of the Should You Choose to Accept It quests.
Revision Zero Exotic catalysts
With four different Exotic catalysts to choose from, Revision Zero offers unprecedented customization. Players will need to complete one questline per catalyst, with each part falling under the same quest title: Should You Choose to Accept It.

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Note that the Archimedes Annex and Diocles Annex are both in the Warmind Launch Facility. This can be launched via the H.E.L.M.’s map. Highlight the node and select which Operation to perform. Each quest will also require completing the Legend version of Operation: Seraph’s Shield. To save time, get each quest up to that point to make a single run tick off all four quests.
In order to get the questlines, you will need to progress through the Season of the Seraph campaign. The quests are given at the conclusion of specific weeks, starting at Week 4. Once Season of the Seraph finishes, the quests might be available from Banshee in the Tower.
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part 1 (Frenzy Refit)

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- Return to the Archimedes Annex and download the cryptographic index
- Travel to Europa for further instructions
- Decrypt the passcode cipher by completing patrols and defeating combatants on Europa
- Locate the dead drop in the Perdition Lost Sector of Cadmus Ridge, and upload the cipher
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty and find the weapon schematic
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty to successfully obtain the catalyst
The weapon schematic is found in the floor tile puzzle room. This room requires you avoid standing on certain squares as you follow a route around, activating computers and avoiding lasers. The Exo is leaning up against a wall.
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part 2 (Pressurized Refit)

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- Return to the Diocles Annex and download a cryptographic index
- Travel to the Moon for further instructions
- Decrypt passcode cipher by completing patrols and defeating combatants on the Moon
- Locate the dead drop in K1 Logistics Lost Sector of Archer’s Line, and upload the cipher
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty and find the weapon schematic
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty to successfully obtain the catalyst
The weapon schematic is in the vents where you first use the Operator Augmentation. Enter the next room, activate the panel in the hallway where the Cursed Thrall spawn, and go through the next door where the Shriekers wait. The vent at the back of the room leads to the Exo Frame. This is the vent to the right of the door with lasers behind it.
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part 3 (Outlaw Refit)

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- Return to the Archimedes Annex and download a new cryptographic index
- Travel to the EDZ for further instructions
- Decrypt Passcode Cipher by completing patrols and defeating combatants in the EDZ
- Locate the dead drop in the Terminus East Lost Sector of Trostland, and upload the cipher
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty and find the weapon schematic
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty to successfully obtain the catalyst
The weapon schematic is found in a room connected to the first large boss room. Before you blow up the explosives, search the room to the right of the entrance to find the Exo body.
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part 4 (4-Timer Refit)
- Return to Diocles Annex and download a cryptographic index
- Travel to the Cosmodrome for further instructions
- Decrypt Passcode Cipher by completing patrols and defeating combatants in the Cosmodrome
- Locate the dead drop in the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector of the Cosmodrome, and upload the cipher
- Launch Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty and find the weapon schematic
- Complete Operation: Seraph’s Shield on Legend difficulty to successfully obtain the catalyst
- Visit a weapons expert to analyze the catalysts
The weapon schematic is found in the Ketch, in the middle room on the right. This is immediately after the first boss fight with all the Brigs.

Source: Shacknews
After you have claimed your Exotic catalyst, you can apply it to Revision Zero by heading to the Relic at the Enclave. You will need to Reshape the weapon or create a new one. The Exotic catalyst for this gun is a little different in that it actually sits in the Weapon Perk columns. It also does not require any additional kills to charge.
With each Revision Zero Exotic catalyst collected, you can start toying with the Pulse Rifle to see what suits your playstyle. Be sure to check out our Exotic catalysts guide for a look at every single catalyst in the game and our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more endgame help.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Should You Choose to Accept It, Revision Zero Exotic catalysts - Destiny 2