How to Unlock and Complete Flashpoints in Destiny 2
Learn what Flashpoints are and how to complete them in Destiny 2.
As Guardians progress deeper into the story of Destiny 2, more and more in-game concepts are starting to pop up, such as Flashpoints. Flashpoints are a new activity that will arrive each week and, when completed, will provide the player with something called Powerful Gear. This Powerful Gear is about the only way you can level up once you reach Light and Power level 260, so it’s an important concept to understand.
How to Unlock a Flashpoint

In Destiny 2, you won’t have access to Flashpoints until you complete a campaign mission called Fury. This is where you find Ikora Rey, reuniting her with Cayde-6 and Commander Zavala at the Farm. When you return to the Farm, visit Cayde-6 and he will send you to Earth to complete a quest near Firebase Hades called Patrols.
Bring up your Director and Destinations, then track the Patrols quest you just received from Cayde-6. When you arrive on Earth, follow the waypoints (from tracking the quest) until you reach the mission start point. Begin and complete the mission called the Importance of Networking, at which point you’ll need to start and finish three Patrols in the European Dead Zone on Earth. If you’re not sure where to find Patrol beacons, bring up your Ghost while you’re in the European Dead Zone and you’ll see them marked for you.

Once you complete the three Patrols, head back to Cayde-6 at the Farm. He will introduce you to the idea of Flashpoints, talking about how completing public events each week can lead to rewards. He also mentions that the location that Flashpoints will change each week, and you must complete Public Events on the specified planet to count towards the Flashpoint Milestone. Bring up your Director and press L2 on the PS4, or Left Trigger on the Xbox One, to see the location of the Flashpoint Milestone that week and your progress towards it.
Head to the location where you need to complete Public Events and bring up your Map. Upcoming and active Public Events will be marked. Head to a Public Event and complete it, doing your best to complete the Heroic version if possible. Depending on the difficulty to the Public Events you complete, it can take up to six of them to complete the Flashpoint Milestone.
When the Flashpoint has been completed you will be prompted to visit Cayde-6 again. Head to his location and he will give you your reward.
Now that you understand what a Flashpoint is in Destiny 2, visit our Destiny 2 complete strategy guide to continue your journey.