How to turn the Cryo-Pod Public Event Heroic in Destiny 2
Learn how to activate the Cryo-Pod Heroic Public Event on the Tangled Shore.
With each new piece of DLC for Destiny 2 comes another Public Event to turn Heroic, and Destiny 2: Forsaken is no different. Turning the Tangled Shore’s Cryo-Pod Public Event Heroic is a simple process, far easier than the other events found on the various planets.
How to activate the Tangled Shore Cryo-Pod Heroic Public Event
The Cryo-Pod public event on the Tangled Shore takes place all around the map. This public event requires players to capture a large cell from the Prison of Elders while defending against countless waves of enemies.

In order to turn the Cryo-Pod Public Event Heroic, players must destroy the caps on the side of the cell and throw the cores at the prisoner. These caps can only be broken at certain points during the fight, specifically, when the ground becomes electrocuted. When the ground begins to damage you, look for the cap with steam jetting out of it, destroy the cap to reveal the core and then throw it at the prisoner. Repeat this process twice to freeze the prisoner.
Once the prisoner freezes, the Heroic Public Event will begin. At this point, players will need to stand nearby the prisoner while defending against waves of enemies. Once the frozen prisoner has been recaptured, the Cryo-Pod Heroic Public Event will be completed and players can claim their reward from the chest.

Check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more Forsaken coverage, including where to find bounty targets, how to unlock new Exotics, and more.