Hunter's Remembrance, Wish-Ender quest - Destiny 2
Complete Hunter's Remembrance in Destiny 2 to unlock the Wish-Ender Exotic Bow.
Players that didn’t get Wish-Ender during Destiny 2: Forsake now have a clear path to unlocking the Exotic Bow with the quest, Hunter’s Remembrance. This quest takes players into the Shattered Throne dungeon to defeat a few specific enemies. Once completed, you’ll walk away with one of the best Exotic Bows in the game, capable of smashing Champions and crushing opponents. Plus, it's needed if you want to destroy all the Corrupted Eggs hidden around the Dreaming City.
Hunter’s Remembrance – Wish-Ender quest
Hunter’s Remembrance is an Exotic Quest that is available from the Quest Archive kiosk in the Tower or H.E.L.M. in Destiny 2. This will likely only be available to players who have not unlocked Wish-Ender back when the Tangled Shore was available. This quest is much the same as the old method to unlock the bow, albeit without the Tangled Shore component. Keep in mind you will need to have access to the Shattered Throne dungeon, which is now available in the Forsake Pack (or the Destiny 2: Armory Collection).
Step 1: Speak with Petra Venj
Find Petra Venj in the Dreaming City and speak with her to progress the quest. She moves location each week and can be found in one of three locations (it’s on a set rotation): Divalian Mists, Rheasilvia, or The Strand. Refer to your map to find her.
Step 2: Play the Shattered Throne dungeon
For this step you must locate three powerful Taken foes in the Shattered Throne dungeon: a Minotaur in Erebus, a Captain in The Descent, and an Ogre in Eleusinia. Defeating them will purify one of the tokens you have for that particular enemy. These bosses only spawn after you charge a relic (sometimes two, and sometimes during a boss fight).
Dreaming Token of Querim
The Dreaming Token of Querim can be charged at the beginning of the Shattered Throne dungeon. In the area with all the symbols, head to the Tower of the Deep and use the surrounding rocks and statues to climb onto its roof. At the top will be a relic that must be taken to the roof of the center building which has several statues holding a ball.

To easily reach this building, use the statue as a stepping-stone between the two roofs. Deposit the relic into the statue without a ball to summon the first boss, Theratos, Archersbane. Once Theratos dies, Querim, the Waking will spawn. Defeat Querim to charge the Dreaming Token of Querim, turning it into the Waking Token of Querim.
Dreaming Token of Eriviks
The next relic to charge is found during the rafters and ogres section of the Shattered Throne. Continue through the Shattered Throne to the large open room with the thin intersecting beams and the massive, swirling Taken orbs.

From the entrance, look to the right, the relic is located behind one of the pillars. Standing at the relic with the entrance on the left, the place to deposit the relic will be on the right-hand side of the room (opposite the entrance). It’s a good idea to clear out the ogres first.

Before the next boss can be defeated, a second relic must be charged. Continue to the hallways filled with Shadow Thrall. Enter the area that gives the Slowed debuff and head up the stairs and take a right. The relic will be in a bowl. Defend the relic holder as they fight through the hallways to the end.

The player with the relic must jump through the shadowy veil and down to the lower level. After landing, turn to the right to spot a statue without a ball. Deposit the relic and continue to the next area to charge the next Dreaming Token.

After depositing the relic, continue straight ahead, jump the gap and go through the large doors. When all players are in the room, the doors will close. Kill all the enemies to summon Eriviks, the Waking. Defeat this Taken Captain to charge the Dreaming Token of Eriviks, turning it into the Waking Token of Eriviks.
Dreaming Token of Xavoth
The final relic and third Dreaming Token are charged during the boss fight against Vorgeth, the Boundless Hunger. Make sure you know how to defeat Vorgeth, the Boundless Hunger, as Xavoth, the Waking will not spawn unless one cycle is completed and Wish-Ender will not be earned unless the entire boss fight is finished.

Defeat the four Wizards and extinguish one of the flames to summon a minotaur called Fleeting Shade. This enemy will be invisible and should spawn close to the steps at the rear of the room near the exit. Defeat the minotaur to summon the last relic on a plate at the stairs leading to the exit.

Carry the relic back to the entrance, the statue without a ball is on the left side of the room when facing the exit. The relic will only despawn if the entire team wipes, so take your time clearing out the smaller enemies, being sure to leave the Wizards and Vorgeth alive. Deposit the relic to summon Xavoth, the Waking. Defeat the Taken Ogre to turn the Dreaming Token of Xavoth into the Waking Token of Xavoth.

Defeat Vorgeth, the Boundless Hunger to unlock the exit.
Step 3: Find the statue of Sjur Eido
The second-last step in the Hunter's Remembrance quest is to deposit the Waking Tokens at the statue of Sjur Eido. After defeating Vorgeth, go up the stairs to exit the arena to find the statue of Sjur Eido and three bowls. Approach the statue of Sjur Eido and hold the appropriate button to “collect loot”, unlocking the Wish-Ender Exotic bow.

Step 4: Return to Petra Venj
Though you’ve technically got Wish-Ender, the Hunter’s Remembrance quest isn’t finished just yet. Return to Petra Venj and show her the Exotic Bow. Once this is done, the quest is completed, and you can use this thing to take down Champions and destroy all the Corrupted Eggs.
With the Hunter's Remebrance quest completed, you'll be the proud owner of the Wish-Ender Exotic Bow. This thing packs a punch and can annihilate Champions with ease thanks to its intrinsic Anti-Champion capabilities. Take a moment to check out our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more Exotic weapon unlock information and guides to acquiring all Exotic Catalysts.