How to Get Bright Engrams in Destiny 2
Harvest lots of Engrams to unlock loot in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2's Bright Engram items are you ticket to unlock loot. Given that, it behooves you to find a way to farm the items as quickly as possible. This guide will educate you on the best methods of unlocking Bright Engrams so you can focus on what really matters: amassing a treasure trove of awesome loot for your Guardian characters.
How to Get Bright Engrams by Paying
There are two ways to earn Bright Engrams in Destiny 2. The first will cost you, literally: By spending real money. After hitting the maximum level of 20, you'll be able to purchase single and packages of Bright Engrams. You can get one for 200 silver, three in a pack for 500 silver, or a larger cache of six for 800 silver.
One hundred silver in Destiny 2 converts to roughly one US dollar, but think twice before buying a single Bright Engram; you get a better silver-per-dollar value by purchasing more expensive packs.
How to Get Bright Engrams Without Paying
You don't have to open your wallet to get Bright Engrams in Destiny 2. After level 20, you will receive one Bright Engram for every level after 20, which incentivizes you to continue playing and earning experience points. The most efficient way to level up is by playing player-versus-enemy (PVP) activities, as they bestow more experience points than player-versus-player (PVP) events. Specifically, Patrol and Strike missions will get you the most experience bang for your buck.
However you choose to get Bright Engrams, remember that you cannot decrypt them, nor can the Cryptarch. Pay a visit to The Farm and speak with Tess Everis to unlock Bright Engrams so you can use them.

What Bright Engrams Contain
Destiny 2's Bright Engrams aren't nearly as interesting as what's inside them. Decrypting them gives you access to items such as armor pieces, emotes, and Exotic Sparrows. The contents of Bright Engrams are random, so come up with a plan to earn as many as you can, as quickly as you can if you want to stock up on goodies.
For more info on Destiny 2, such as how to level up fast, refer to our Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.