Guardian Games 2021 quest - Destiny 2
Guardian Games 2021 brings to Destiny 2 a new questline, the Medal Case, Laurels and Medals, as well as Heir Apparent and its Catalyst.
Guardian Games 2021 has started in Destiny 2 and players have a new quest to complete and bounties to finish. Though the quest may be short, there’s a lot of work to do once it’s done. Select the class you want to represent and get to work collecting Laurels, medals, and more!
Guardian Games 2021 quest
The Guardian Games 2021 quest is rather short and is used primarily as a means to introduce players to the annual event. This questline will grant you the new Medal Case, which is used to house Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum medals until you’re ready to deposit them, and the Games Begin quest. Once completed, players will also be able to collect the Top of the Class quest for Heir Apparent – for those that have yet to unlock the Exotic Machine Gun.
Step 1: Speak with Zavala

To actually start the Guardian Games 2021 quest, head to the Tower and speak with Zavala. He will give you a class item – you get to choose the element type.
Step 2: Talk to Eva Levante

Go and talk with Eva Levante to receive the Medal Case and the Guardian Games quest, The Games Begin.
The Medal Case can only hold so many medals at once. Make sure you visit the Tower and deposit your medals when it gets full, as any medals earned after its full will be lost. You can check your medals and Laurels in the Quest tab by hovering over the Medal Case.
Step 3: The Games Begin

The Games Begin quest has two parts. The first part requires you to collect 100 Laurels. This can be done in numerous activities, but the best option will be to head into the Guardian Games Strike Playlist.
The second part is to go and talk with Eva Levante to purchase a Contender Card.
Step 4: Complete a Contender Card

Purchase any of the Contender Cards from Eva Levante. There’s one for Trials of Osiris, Nightfall, Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit. The Nightfall and Trials cards are classified as All-Star and reward Platinum Medals while the other three reward Gold Medals. You can only have one Contender Card active at once so try to pick one that matches the Daily Focus.
Once your first Contender Card is completed, you can earn Pinnacle Gear from Guardian Games podium. It’s called the Master Class Vendor Challenge. Earn 25 points to get a piece of Pinnacle gear. Each medal is worth a different amount of points:
- Platinum Medals – 15 points
- Gold Medals – 5 points
- Silver Medals – 2 points
- Bronze Medals – 1 point
With this final step completed, you can now focus on representing your class by collecting Laurels and earning medals. For those that have yet to unlock it, you will also be able to pick up the Top of Class quest from Eva Levante to unlock Heir Apparent.
Guardian Games bounties

Beyond the Guardian Games 2021 quest, there are also plenty of bounties to complete. There are two Weekly Bounties that reward XP, Bright Dust, Glimmer and Laurels.
Long-Running Competitor
- Complete 3 playlist strikes with your Guardian Games class item equipped.
- Get 300 weapon final blows in strikes with your Guardian Games class item equipped.
Big-Game Competitor
- Defeat 3 bosses in playlist strikes with your Guardian Games class item equipped.
- Get 50 ability final blows in playlist strikes with your Guardian Games class item equipped.
Aside from the Weekly Bounties, there are also standard bounties which can be purchased using Glimmer or Laurels if you want to pick up addition bounties. These bounties just reward XP.
The Guardian Games 2021 quest is short and sweet and will set you on the right path to represent your chosen class. Make sure you stop by the Tower to deposit your medals whenever the Medal Case gets full, complete Contender Cards, and unlock Heir Apparent and its Exotic Catalyst. Be sure to stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 Guide for more content on annual events.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Guardian Games 2021 quest - Destiny 2