Solstice Triumphs for Flamekeeper Title - Destiny 2
Published , by Sam Chandler
Unlocking the Flamekeeper Title during Solstice in Destiny 2 is going to take a bit of work. Players should prepare to acquire and upgrade a full set of Candescent armor, play endgame activities, and grind a lot of the Bonfire Bash activity. For those who want something more, it’s also possible to Gild the new Title.
Flamekeeper Title Triumphs
There are 24 Triumphs associated with the Flamekeeper Title in Destiny 2.
There are 24 Triumphs that must be completed to claim the Flamekeeper Title. Players will be able to Gild this Title each season whenever Solstice comes back around. Below is a list of all the Triumphs, including the ones currently locked behind the “Secret Triumph” tile. The information is courtesy of
Bashing Success – Complete the Bonfire Bash activity
Good Ignite – Defeat Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash
Torch the Taken – Defeat Taken in the Bonfire Bash
Fuel for the Fire – Stoke the flames in the Bonfire Bash
Ash Tray – Collect Silver Ash
All Around the Bonfire – Complete the Bonfire Bash activity against all combatant races
Fuel for the Fire II – Stoke more flames in the Bonfire Bash
Fuel for the Fire III – Stoke een more flames in the Bonfire Bash
Like Wildfire – Defeat targets anywhere in the system. Defeating Guardians awards bonus progress.
Pyromania – Defeat combatants with Solar abilities
Superlative – Defeat targets with Super abilities
Fire Power – Defeat combatants or opposing Guardians with Power weapons
Forged in Flame – Defeat opposing Guardians in any activity
Hand Lighter – Defeat targets with Hand Cannons
Shotgun Solstice – Defeat targets with Shotguns
Burn Them Down – Defeat bosses anywhere in the system
Raking the Coals – Complete playlist activities to earn Silver Leaves
Solstice Jubilee – Complete public events on any destination to earn Silver Leaves
Lamplighter – Complete patrols on any destination to earn Silver Leaves
Dare to Dream – Complete runes of the Blind Well or Dares of Eternity to earn Silver Leaves
Brightfall – Complete Vanguard Ops or Nightfalls to earn Silver Leaves
Fires of Competition – Complete matches in Crucible or Gambit playlists to earn Silver Leaves
A Spark in the Dark – Complete Sever missions or rounds of Altars of Sorrow to earn Silver Leaves
In the Hot Seat – Complete activities within the Throne World to earn Silver Leaves
From the Ashes – Upgrade multiple pieces of Candescent armor
Bonfire Dash – Fully stoke the bonfire in the Bonfire Dash activity
In Candescent – While wearing a set of fully rekindled Candescent armor, complete dungeons, raids, Master or Grandmaster Nightfalls, or win rounds in Trials of Osiris
Inextinguishable – Complete the Bonfire Bash activity without dying
Most of these Triumphs will be slowly whittled away at over the course of Solstice. There are a couple that will need some focused attention, like In Candescent and Inextinguishable. However, once all of them are unlocked, the Flamekeeper Title will be yours to rock in Destiny 2. For more guides on other Titles and Seals, stop by our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide.