Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll - Destiny 2
A Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll has revealed itself as the ultimate Vesper's Host boss DPS machine.
Dimensional Hypotrochoid has been a sleeper hit in Destiny 2 with the release of the Vesper’s Host dungeon. While it’s always been an interesting Stasis Grenade Launcher, thanks in part to its Compressed Wave Frame, it’s seen a surge in use thanks to a powerful perk combination that allows it to deal huge damage.
How to get Dimensional Hypotrochoid
Dimensional Hypotrochoid is one of five craftable weapons from Neomuna, the destination from the Lightfall expansion. You must collect five weapon patterns in order to craft this Grenade Launcher at the Relic in the Enclave in Savathun’s Throne World.
One weapon pattern for Dimensional Hypotrochoid drops after the mission, Under Siege. Complete this mission on three characters to get three patterns. To get the remaining two patterns, you must complete Heroic Patrols or level up Nimbus on Neomuna. Look for the gold Patrol icon in each area and complete them until you get your gun.
Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll – PvE
There’s a good chance you’re searching for this exact Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll due to the Vesper’s Host dungeon. This god roll lets you hit the Raneiks boss multiple times (thanks to the frame and the fact the boss has multiple copies), which procs the powerful One For All perk.
Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll - PvE | |
Barrel | Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handling +15) |
Magazine | High-Velocity Rounds (Velocity +10, Reload Speed +10) |
Perk 1 | Envious Assassin (Defeating targets with other weapons before drawing this one transfers ammo to the magazine from reserves. This effect can overflow the magazine based on the number of targets defeated) |
Perk 2 | One For All (Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration) |
Origin Trait | Nanotech Tracer Rockets (Landing multiple hits turns your next shot into a homing micro-rocket) |
Masterwork | Velocity |
Mod | Backup Mag |
Start with Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, and a Velocity Masterwork to significantly boost the velocity stat. The goal is to minimize the travel time of the grenade as much as possible. Throw on a Backup Mag mod to give you more rounds to fire.
Source: D2Foundry
The main perks you want are Envious Assassin and One For All. By getting kills with other weapons, Envious Assassin will overflow the magazine. Remember to proc the perk, switch to Dimensional Hypotrochoid, and then switch back to killing with other weapons. This can sometimes overfill the magazine even more.
One For All is where this all comes together as hitting three separate targets will boost the damage of your shots by 35 percent. Landing a single shell on Raneiks Unified will instantly proc the effect, which allows for easy DPS phases.
Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll – PvP
Now, even though you likely only need this for its PvE god roll, there is a decent roll for the Crucible players among us.
Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll - PvP | |
Barrel | Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handling +15) |
Magazine | High-Velocity Rounds (Velocity +10, Reload Speed +10) |
Perk 1 | Unrelenting (Rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill) |
Perk 2 | Chain Reaction (Each final blow with this weapon creates an elemental damage explosion) |
Origin Trait | Nanotech Tracer Rockets (Landing multiple hits turns your next shot into a homing micro-rocket) |
Masterwork | Velocity |
Mod | Freehand Grip |
As with the PvE roll, it’s hard to look past the need for velocity, especially in Crucible. You want the grenade reaching your target before they can react. An alternative is to aim for more blast radius, which will help snag any foes that think they dodged out of the way.
Source: D2Foundry
For the perks, Unrelenting is a great option for its health regeneration capabilities. By defeating two targets, you instantly start healing, which will help you roll into your next defeat. This effect is bolstered by Chain Reaction, which will make defeated enemies explode, sometimes catching nearby foes in the blast.
Dimensional Hypotrochoid is one Grenade Launcher you’ll want to craft a god roll for, especially as you dive into endgame content. It will take a bit of work to acquire, given the luck needed to get additional patterns, but once you do, enjoy melting Raneiks Unified with ease. Take a look at our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more god roll suggestions.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Dimensional Hypotrochoid god roll - Destiny 2