Destiny 2 - Where to Farm Phaseglass
The best spots and methods to farm Phaseglass in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 continues to shift and change, giving players new reasons to revisit old areas, and one thing drawing players back to Io is the need for Phaseglass. Upgrading and infusing gear now requires planetary resources, and after everyone got so used to giving them to the planetary NPCs, they're all running low. Thankfully, there are a few easy ways to farm up a good supply of Phaseglass.
Where to Get Phaseglass
It’s really not too surprising that players might struggle to remember where Phaseglass is found, as it’s located on a planet that’s only played toward the very end of the campaign, and not much outside of there. If you want to get your hands on a pile of Phaseglass, you will need to head to Io and complete any of the following:
- Collect from the ground
- Loot planetary chests
- Complete Public Events
- Defeat high priority targets
- Purchase from Spider in the Tangled Shore
This last point obviously doesn't take place on Io, but the Tangled Shore, If players don't want to spend their precious time running around Io, they can head over to the new Patrol zone included with the Forsaken DLC and speak with Spider. This Fallen Captain sells Phaseglass by the fist full for either Glimmer or Legendary Shards. However, there are going to be some players who don't have a lot of Legendary Shards or those who would prefer to dump their excess Glimmer in stocking up on Raid Banners. For these players, there are a handful of ways to easy farm Phaseglass on Io.

In order to farm Phaseglass efficiently, there are a couple of options. Firstly, you can use any fast travel point and search the immediate area for any Phaseglass and then head to another fast travel point to collect more. This method relies on you being able to spot some within the first few moments when you reach a new place.
Alternatively, you can use a similar method that is used for farming Dusklight Shards in the EDZ – find a Phaseglass, collect it, then rush to the closest loading zone. Entering the next loading zone keeps the Phaseglass from disappearing, all you need to do is turn around and go back to where you collected it and grab it again. The best place to do this is typically near a Lost Sector, as these are often close to large areas where Phaseglass can spawn. Check out our guide on all Lost Sectors in Destiny 2 to help you locate a good one!
If the above methods aren’t working too well for you, consider trying to get a Ghost that has an Io Resource Detector to help locate the Phaseglass for you.
Be sure to check out our Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more tips and tricks!