Piece of Mind god roll - Destiny 2

Published , by Rise of Bacon

Season of the Witch added a new playlist with the Exotic Mission Rotator and this is now home to some of the best returning weapons in Destiny 2. Piece of Mind is arguably the best Rapid-Fire Frame Pulse Rifle and this god roll is not one to be missed.

Piece of Mind is a 540RPM, Rapid-Fire Frame, Kinetic, Pulse Rifle, and can roll with strong perks for PvE and PvP. Being craftable means it also has the ability to gain enhanced perks, a game changer when it comes to Pulse Rifle choices.

How to get Piece of Mind

Piece of Mind has a chance to drop from completing encounters within the Exotic mission Vox Obscura when it is active within the weekly Exotic Mission Rotator. It is also a craftable weapon, meaning you can guarantee yourself a god roll.

PvP - Piece of Mind god roll

Piece of Mind is a great Pulse Rifle for PvP and this god roll brings the best out of it when venturing into the Crucible.

Piece of Mind - PVP
Barrel Arrowhead Brake (Recoil +30, Handling +10)
Magazine Ricochet Rounds (Stability +10, Range +5)
Perk 1 Perpetual Motion (While moving at a minimum of two meters per second: gain a stack after two and 10 seconds. Each stack provides Stability +10, Handling +10, and Reload +10. All stacks are removed if movement speed is below 0.2 seconds for 0.5 seconds. Works and can activate while stowed)
Perk 2 Moving Target (Grants Aim Assist +10 while Aiming Down Sights (ADS) and reduces the ADS movement speed penalty by an additive 2.5 percent)
Origin Trait Land Tank (On Weapon Kill: Resilience +10 and five percent damage resistance against PvE combatants for five seconds. Maximum of three Stacks)
Masterwork Stability (+10 when fully masterworked)
Mod Targeting Adjuster (Aim Assist +5)

For the Barrel, start with Arrowhead Brake. Piece of Mind does have strong Recoil at its base so improving that stat is a must to ensure deadly accuracy. Ricochet Rounds then gives a needed Stability boost to this Pulse Rifle. The Rapid-Fire Frame is very fast firing so higher Stability keeps that well under control for duelling opponents easily.

Piece of Mind god roll for PVP

Source: D2Foundry

Perpetual Motion then provides a great advantage for players who take advantage of effective movement around Crucible maps. Providing another boost to Stability, this gives Piece of Mind a high amount of precision when firing. The added bonus is this perk can activate even when Piece of Mind is stowed, so switching to it after running around the map has no downside. Moving Target then finishes this off by granting extra Aim Assist and allows faster movement while strafing.

PvE - Piece of Mind god roll

Rapid-Fire Frames could use a buff in general in the current PvE sandbox but Piece of Mind does carry the perks to do some damage and clear enemies out effectively.

Piece of Mind - PVP
Barrel Arrowhead Brake (Recoil +30, Handling +10)
Magazine Ricochet Rounds (Stability +10, Range +5)
Perk 1 Overflow (Upon picking up Special or Heavy ammo: magazine gets refilled and overflowed from reserves. Maxes out at 100 percent increased magazine capacity. Activates even if stowed)
Perk 2 Adrenaline Junkie (grants a stacking damage buff and Handling +20 for 4.5 seconds on weapon or grenade kills. Grenade kills grant all five stacks. Damage buff stacks: 6.7 percent|13.3 percent|20 percent|26.6 percent|33.3 percent. Buff duration is refreshed on weapon or grenade kills)
Origin Trait Land Tank (On Weapon Kill: Resilience +10 and five percent damage resistance against PvE combatants for five seconds. Maximum of three Stacks)
Masterwork Stability (+10 when fully masterworked)
Mod Minor or Major Spec (7.7 increased damage)

With high Recoil, use Arrowhead Brake as the Barrel option to ensure consistency when firing on targets. Ricochet Rounds then adds Stability to ensure deadly precision when unloading on your targets. The added Range then keeps Piece of Mind hitting hard from a distance.

Source: D2Foundry

Overflow then comes in to add more firepower. Due to Rapid-Fire Frames not hitting as hard as other Pulse Rifles, doubling the Magazine is a great way to squeeze the juice out of it. Paired up with Adrenaline Junkie, this damage buff keeps rolling so long as you keep getting kills with Piece of Mind or grenades. With double the Magazine thanks to Overflow, hitting 33.3 percent buff can cause some serious issues for your enemies and turn Piece of Mind into a mob-shredding machine.

Piece of Mind is easily one of the best Rapid-Fire Frame Pulse Rifles in Destiny 2 and, with its enhanced perks, it’s not to be missed when Vox Obscura rolls around. For more Season of the Witch information and weapon guide content, be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.