Destiny 2 - Where to Farm Wizards
Wizards can be a pain to find, but there are some locations to bookmark.
With the Dawning event going on, Guardians are scrambling to find the best ways to farm for various materials and enemy types. Because the Hive aren’t that heavily featured in Destiny 2, finding Wizards isn’t as easy as other types of foes to track down. Luckily, there are some spots that are reliable and should help you on your quest.
Where to Find Wizards

Travel to Titan and visit Sloane. Load an adventure called Deathless. You will find one Wizard in each of the first couple of rooms, and then a room with two Wizards. Kill the two Wizards to bring your total to four on that run, then kill your Guardian. Repeat the process until you have farmed all the Wizards that you need for the quest you’re on.
You can also find at least two Wizards when you complete the Witches Ritual public event on Titan. There are only three public events on Titan, and no two will run at the same time, so this shouldn’t be difficult. It’s possible you can get three Wizards from this, but it’s still not as efficient as running the Deathless adventure that was mentioned previously. The reason you might opt to go with the Witches Ritual, though, is because you can farm Thrall at the same time. I was able to get all 30 that I needed in a single event by tossing a Pulse grenade in the center. I ignored the boss and just focused the Thrall.
There is a lot more farming that must go down each day for you to keep up with the Dawning. We can help you manage it all and claim those sweet rewards. Just be sure to visit the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide, keeping you up to date on everything that a good Guardian should know.