Destiny 2 - Leviathan Raid Underbelly Code
Learn the underbelly code for the Leviathan Raid in Destiny 2.
Having just finished the Leviathan raid for the first time with my fireteam recently, I was left wanting a bit more satisfaction. Overall, the activity was underwhelming for me. One thing that wasn’t a letdown, though, was the underbelly section of the Leviathan raid. This series of corridors, rooms and secret access points is everything that is great about a Destiny 2 raid. It allows your fireteam to move around the Leviathan without having to continuously fight it out in the Castellum, which is ideal. However, to get around down there, you’ll need an underbelly code for each section that you wish to traverse.
There are three known methods to getting into the underbelly from the Embarkment section of the Leviathan raid in Destiny 2. Which one you use to enter will change based on where you’re hoping to go. The catch with the underbelly, however, is that the doors that open from the underbelly to each individual section are not always open. You can’t just arrive on the Leviathan and use the underbelly to reach the Pleasure Gardens, for example. You must go through the Castellum to reach your first section. From there, you can then use the underbelly to reach the next section in that week’s rotation.
Why use the underbelly from the Embarkment, then? Well, let’s say your fireteam completed the Royal Pools and the Gauntlet on a Saturday, and decided to go for the Pleasure Gardens on Sunday. When you arrive at the Leviathan you’ll be at the Embarkment. You could then use the underbelly to head straight for the Pleasure Gardens, skipping the Castellum, which you would have dealt with on Saturday. Because you beat the section before the Pleasure Gardens, the door that connects the underbelly to the Pleasure Gardens will be open.
Destiny 2 Embarkment Underbelly Code
When you first spawn in, run forward but don’t head up the stairs. Instead, drop down off this platform and you’ll find a room with six levers. You’ll need one fireteam member standing at each lever (ideally) to input the required underbelly code. Be sure to have one Guardian call the code out, leaving about one second between each number. When looking at the levers, the left-most lever is one, and the right-most lever is six. The code is 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 6. If you’re successful, a message will appear on your screen that says, “The way is open…” Have your fireteam head a few levels up until they reach an area with some pipes. This level will be one level below where you would have ended up if you were to use the transporters. Head through the opening beyond the pipes to find yourself in the underbelly.
A second method to reach the underbelly from the Embarkment is to use a lever room found on the left side. When you spawn in, look to your left. About halfway up and on the far left is the opening to this room. Once you’re in it, have your fireteam locate the six levers around the room. They aren’t as obvious as the previous ones but, luckily, there is no underbelly code required for this section. Simply pull each of the six levers simultaneously to receive another message stating that the way is open. The access point that you’ve just opened is hidden behind the waterfall, but you’ll need to head to one of the top levels of the Embarkment to use it.

A couple levels above the pipes from the first method to reaching the underbelly are some pressure plates. These plates sit on both the left and right side, and there are four of them, plus one fancy looking purple plate in the middle. Each week, one of the four symbols that will be commonly seen throughout the raid will show up on the giant Calus head sticking out of the wall at the very top center of the Embarkment. Have four Guardians step on the plates at the same time, causing one of the four symbols to show up on the fancy purple plate. Keep having them step off, then back on, until the symbol on the purple plate matches the symbol on the giant Calus head sticking out of the wall. Once the symbols match a door will open behind the fancy purple plate, giving you access to the underbelly.
Royal Pools Underbelly Code

As you enter the Royal Pools from the Castellum there will be four small pressure plates just inside the door. It might take a bit of looking to find them, but standing on all four of them at once will give you access to the Aqueducts section of the underbelly. There are no tricks here; you can stand on them in any order you wish, just make sure it’s all at the same time. You should get another onscreen verification that it’s worked, just as you have previously.

As you enter the Royal Pools, turn right and head to the upper right section. If you look slightly up and on the walls, you’ll locate four levers that look like an elephant’s trunk sticking out of the wall. You’ll need to line up four Guardians for this part, one at each lever. If you’re looking at the levers with your back to the Castellum entrance to the Royal Pools, you need to pull the levers in order from left to right, although it doesn’t really count as a specific underbelly code. Again, leave about one second between each pull, having a designated Guardian call it out. Once you get the message that the way is open, look for one of the grates to be missing from one of the short platforms. You can drop down into the underbelly from here.
Gauntlet Underbelly Code
There is only one way to access the underbelly of the Destiny 2 Leviathan raid when in the section for the Gauntlet. It’s found in the hallway as you either enter or leave the Gauntlet. Looks for four levers on the wall. As you stand with your back to the Castellum, facing the Gauntlet, two of the levers will be on the left and two on the right. The underbelly code is near left, far right, far left, near right. Once you receive notification that the way is open, look for a nearby door that was previously closed.
Pleasure Gardens Underbelly Code
There are three entrances to the underbelly from the Pleasure Gardens, and none of them require a specific code. You might have to step on a plate or two, but that’s about it.

The first entrance to the underbelly from the Pleasure Gardens is a giant pipe sticking out of the wall with water running out of it. This will be on your left as you enter the Pleasure Gardens from the Castellum. It should have a cover originally. To remove the cover and gain access to the underbelly, step on a small plate found on the ground below the pipe. This should remove the pipe’s cover and give you an onscreen notification that the way is open. Taking this path will give you access to the Drain area of the underbelly.
The second way to access the underbelly from the Pleasure Gardens is to use a hole in the side of the cliff. This is directly to your left (on the same wall) as you hit the Pleasure Gardens from the Castellum. There is no trick here. This area is always open and will take you to the Engine area of the underbelly.
The final way to access the underbelly from the Pleasure Gardens is from the flower in the trees in the middle of the area. If you are standing on the safe room, this is the middle-left flower. If you are standing at the entrance to the Pleasure Gardens from the Castellum, this is the middle-right flower. After you find and stand on the plate, the door to the underbelly will open. If you are standing at the entrance to the Pleasure Gardens as you come from the Castellum, this will be located directly to your right, but on the same wall you’re currently standing on. This will give you access to the Irrigation area of the underbelly.
Now that you know the underbelly code for each section of the Leviathan raid in Destiny 2, be sure to visit our Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.