Destiny 2 - How to Get Your Abilities Back
Here’s how to get your Abilities back in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 kicks off its campaign on a sour note for Guardians. Dominus Ghaul has destroyed the Tower, and even goes so far as to kick you in the face and suck the Light from the Traveler. This means that you won’t have Light when you begin Destiny 2. No Light means no Abilities, so you’ll have to work to get them back.
How to Get Your Abilities Back

While playing through the Homecoming mission, Guardians will have their Jump, Grenade and Super Abilities. After Homecoming, however, you won’t even have those. In fact, all you’ll have are your guns and, for the first time ever, you’ll be mortal. I shudder at the thought of Destiny 2 with perma-death. Luckily, that’s not a thing.
To get your Abilities back in Destiny 2 you’ll need to progress through the main story to the point where you reach the Farm. Once there, seek out and speak to Hawthorne to get the Red War quest, which includes a mission called Spark. This mission will see you enter a previously undiscovered part of the European Dead Zone called Quarantine Sector 236. It’s here that you’ll find a Shard of the Traveler that can be used to get your Power (Destiny 2 calls it Power, not Light) and Abilities back.
Work your way through the Spark missions until you reach the Shard. Let your Ghost, Nolan North, do his thing and you’ll gain a new Subclass based on the Class you chose to play as.
- Warlock: Dawnblade
- Titan: Sentinel
- Hunter: Arcstrider
Use your new Subclass to fight through the waves of enemies that will be coming at you. This is easier if you use the pools of Boundless Light to quickly recharge your Super Ability, although it’s not that hard in the first place. This is really Bungie’s way of letting you play with your new Super Ability.
Once you’re finished with the mission you’ll level up and get your first Upgrade Point. These can be spent on your Class Ability, although not every level-up is going to result in an Upgrade Point. Still, you should be well on your way to unlocking all your Class Abilities in Destiny 2.
Now that you have your Abilities back in Destiny 2, be sure to visit our Destiny 2 guide hub. It’s here you’ll find the story mission, Nightfall and Raid walkthrough, as well as other guides to help you make your way through Destiny 2.